Quote Originally Posted by عثمان أحمد الشيخ View Post
Dear Pandora,
-- The text is clear but I will leave that with the explanation of St. Augustine who said :" the rest is the rest of those who rest in Allah". But who changed the word of God "Saturday" by "Sunday" (Human or God)
I should maybe wait for your next post, however I will respond thus far.

Where did God state which day was to be the sabbath? God says six days we work on the seventh it is reserved for God. Most Christians equate "Lord's Day" ( Sunday) with "Sabbath", this is kept in commemoration of the resurrection of Christ, it is often celebrated with the Eucharist. For many it is the day of rest, and of communal worship in remembrance of Resurrection Day. The sabbath for Jews begins on Friday and ends on Saturday, generally thought of as the last day of the week. Sunday being considered both the first day and the last. Do muslims observe a sabbath? If so what day? Friday? In a period of seven days one of those days is to be observed as the sabbath.. Which is totally reserved for God. As to who decided which day it is to be is immaterial the main issue is that we reserve one day out of seven as a sabbath.

-- This
interpretation is comman between all Christians.If you want to choose a teacher to teach your children boys and girls , will you choose any one ? or there must be certain qualities? such as respect , good manners,patience , science and good dressing.He will be a model to your Children. Do you as a human (who has limited knowledge) use your mind , wisdom and intelligence to choose a teacher and The Almighty Allah who is full of wisdom and knowledge ,who is well acpuainted with all things choose fornicated prophets to guide people to Allah and be models to all people.Is that logical ?. Are not there humans who are righteous,pure and pious in that world.? Yes , humans commit sins but messengers and prophets never commit high sins as killing, theft or adultery .So we deny all thses dirty things on prophets and messengers. In fact you give infallibility to priests and and deny it for prophets and messengers.!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I will complete in another message.
to be contiued
Dirty things!!!! What do you mean by this? Human nature...? Are prophets considered to be more than human then? What do you mean by high sins please? A sin is a sin before a Holy God, there are no big sin or small sin .. Only sin.. And all sin is an affront to God.

Outward appearance of good manners, patience, nice clothes and kind demeanour are not evidence of a pious person. Do not forget satan is the master of deception and lies... Satan can easily masquerade as a paragon of virtue to achieve his aim. You are of course free to see the prophets as somehow super human and above all temptation, but that view can not be real, as if they are human then they are prone to sin and you ignore that to your own peril.

Priests are men, as such they are sinners. Where on earth do you get the idea that they are infallible? They are not, they are human so cannot be infallible. They have never been viewed as such. The only sinless person to ever walk the earth Christians will recognise is Jesus. The Quran agrees that Jesus was without sin does it not? Every other being from Adam onwards with the exception of Jesus is a sinner and in need of Gods redemption.

Maybe we view sin differently.

peace to you.