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رابط الموقع اليهودي الذي يختص بيهود العراق
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Victor Ozair M. Sc., Los Angeles

The family tree with its biographical information is considered an important historical book, where a lot of information about the family is exposed.
I have been working for several years on the Ozair ( Ezeir ) family tree. Within the scope of this work I have accomplished the following: meeting with old relatives, talking with families who lived in Iraq near the Ozairs, obtaining names from the old Ottoman government files of those called Ozair who paid poll-tax to avoid military service, calling the Ozairs who are listed in the telephone book and those who reside in other countries, attending the yearly conference of the Jewish Genealogical Society, as well as reading books on genealogy, which might mention the Ozairs. With the information that I have collected in this manner, I was able to go back in time to 1720-1750. However, based on the oral tradition of the elders of the family, the Ozairs are descendants of the prophet Ezra the Scribe or Ezra Hasofer, who died on his return from Jerusalem to Babylon around the year 385 BC. He was buried in a village by the Tigris River named Ezeir. The prophet Ezra Hasofer was nicknamed Ezeir by the Jews of Iraq. The location of his grave is also known by the name Ezeir.