Huria, please what important questions did you feel I avoided? And what topics did I divert?

So many to counts, you pick and choose what you like to answer but when you cornered you starting diverting topic, for start my last question is Jesus your God if so was he, born, and carried in the womb for 9 months?? But you know Pandora it does not matter, the truth is clear, no matter what twisting and diverting you do.

You have not persuaded me to see Islam as truth.

Talking to you was not to convince you of the truth it is to show the truth, not necessarily to you but this forum is open to anyone who is sincere and can see my replies and your replies and make their choice where is the truth.

"And say, The truth is from your Lord, so whoever wills - let him believe; and whoever wills - let him disbelieve." Quran 18:29

You would have to prove to me that Jesus was a liar.

Our beloved Jesus peace upon him did not lie, you attributed lies to him, you will know the truth but I hope not when it is too late.

Peace be upon those who follow the guidance