Muslim people defenseless in the face of sectarian oppression Burmese

Kadhim Finjan Al Hammami

هذه مقالة كتبتها باللغة الانجليزية عن مأساة حقيقية لشعب مسلم لم يسمع به عامة الناس, شعب فقير مضطهد, يعيش في أحراش الغابات البورمية المطيرة, يرزح تحت خناجر الظلم والتعسف, ويتعرض للتشريد والتعذيب والموت والإبادة بأبشع الأساليب الوحشية, من دون أن تتحرك المنظمات الإسلامية لنجدته, ومن دون أن تدافع عنه الحكومات الإسلامية المتورطة هذه الأيام بالوقوف مع الناتو, أو المنشغلة بالترويج لصناعة الموت, أو المنهمكة بإشاعة الفتن الطائفية, أو المعتكفة في الظلام لتحريك النعرات المذهبية, أو الغارقة في أوحال الرذيلة والفساد, أو المنشغلة بالتآمر على جيرانها, أو الحائرة بأزماتها العويصة

راجيا تفضلكم بمراجعتها وتصحيحها إن أمكن ولكم الأجر والثواب

A real tragedy for the Muslim people have not heard of the general public, the people of poor, oppressed, live in the jungles of forest Burmese rainforest, suffer under the daggers of injustice and abuse, and subjected to displacement, torture, death and destruction in the most horrendous brutality, without moving Islamic organizations to the rescue, and without being defended by the governments Islamic these days of being involved with NATO, or concerned with promoting the industry of death, or preoccupied with spreading sectarian strife, or standing in the dark to trigger sectarian strife, or sinking in the mud of vice and corruption, or busy plotting against their neighbors, or confused Bozmadtha difficult
We will discuss here the story of the people (Alrhnge) Muslim, who lives a real tragedy renewed since the day it became their fate, however, the Burmese government's unfair intervention in extreme strains of Buddhism in 1784 to the annexation of their territory (Staff) by force, then the army seized the reins of the state military coup in 1962, overthrew the monarchy of Buddhism, and the foundations of the system of hard-line in the grip of army generals, fall short of people Alrhnge of the acquisition of nationality national, and deprived them of education, employment, travel, and imposed on them unemployment and isolation in the dark forests mired in backwardness, leaving them to practice ways of living primitive, without Azoteke official documents to prove belonging to Mainmar, did not allow them to leave and leave, and acted with them as if they were crushed category of pariah groups. .

Is certain that Muslims (in the corners of the earth) will get amazingly great when they see with their own eyes what is happening to this category few besieged in a spot forgotten planet, where they are killing in silence, and tortured in silence, fleeing in the dark aimlessly under the lava barrel of a gun, Visaqton in a pool of blood shed between the flame and smoke without victory is not specific to any Helper. .

Hills above the nozzles hell
On the south-eastern border to Bangladesh, living tribes scattered from the Muslim minorities, exiled behind the territorial boundaries of the State of Mainmar (formerly Burma), who will collectively form the so-called range Rohingya, which is one of the poorest communities of India in Asia, and the most disadvantaged and misery, are exposed daily to extermination of racism, intimidation and intimidation at the hands of the Burmese authorities of racism, forcing them to flee to the hills (Couto Palaung) near the border Bengali, Vcedoa them a group of miserable camps and shanty, in a region plagued by diseases and epidemics, waiting for humanitarian aid offered by the organization (MSF), and to escape from the oppression of the Burmese Buddhists. .
Children constitute one-third of the camp, mostly under the age of ten, has reached the misery and poverty and the weakness of the case with their families to having to sell them cheaply, so now children of cheap goods candidate to slavery, servitude and the unknown fate between the claws of criminal gangs, to do their Alovail with impunity and no scruples, or may fall in the nests of sex trafficking, delinquency and homosexuality, while the ship has been smuggling on extortion and smuggling of Malaysia who wish to immigrate to deplete their savings amounts are. At night, and in complete darkness refugees live in anxiety and fear and awe of the Burmese armed raids, which used to carry out surprise raids to find in the abduction of her way, to find him the next day shot dead outside the boundaries of the region.

Ten million Muslims under the oppression of racial
The number of Muslim Rohingya ten million of the total population Mainmar, who numbered up to fifty million people, in the sense that Muslims make up 20% of the population, almost half of whom live in the territory (Arakan), while the other half is spread in the remote Burmese villages, either in (Arakan) are the proportions of Muslims, about 70% of the hearts of the region, most of whom live below the poverty line in the face of abuse and persecution of Buddhist military. .
Launched the Burmese government first campaigns of genocide in 1942, killed more than (100000) Muslim man and woman, sought since then to apply the policy (Albermna) in dealing fierce with the tribes is that fall under the authority of Buddhist temples, and has made great strides in this direction, but failed miserably with the Muslim tribes, did not bounce one of them, and clung to God the One and the individual Samad, was the fate of death slaughtered and burned to death in campaigns racially targeted looting of their wealth, and the metamorphosis of their identity, and obscure rituals, and blow up their heritage, and change Maalmanm, and the absence of mentioned, and the confiscation of their rights. .
The last campaign of genocide was in the beginning of this year, and specifically in February, when the militia Buddhism armed burned and destroyed Muslim villages, killing people, and chased the fleeing of them in the fields and orchards, and left behind five hundred people dead and more than two thousand wounded, and then repeat attack two months later, launched a militia armed with hatred sectarian campaign on the population of the city (Toonju) in cooperation and coordination with elements of military formations authoritarian on the necks of the people, until the bodies piled on top of each other in the graphic images broadcast by satellite non-Muslim in more than one station at a time when the some satellite channels that belong to the religion busy inciting sectarian buildup sectarian, and preoccupied broadcast band, and spreading sectarian strife, and in a time when some leaders of Islamic countries hail the camps housing to accommodate the Zionists in the suburbs of Tel Aviv, and age zoos in New York, Disposal the bid to the football teams . .

Something from history
Historians say: The origin of the word (Rohingya) is: (a spirit of Naga), and it came from the sailors Muslims boarded the sea, Fjrvathm waves to the far away land, and broken their boat over the rocks of its coast, so they asked (Mercy) and (survival) of the population of the region, was (of mercy and salvation) is the origin in the birth of a new word (Rhemenjia), or (Rohingya), but if we go back to read what he wrote of Alrhnjani (Mohammad Bin Khalil Rahman Arkani), for we found other explanations clearer and more accurate.
Arkani-Sheikh says: The naming County (Arakan) back to the first Islamic advocacy campaigns and to Islam and his staff five, upon which Islam, Vaatnq King (Gaultga) Islam at the hands of Prince (Hamza), was called the capital of his kingdom (of Staff). .
Dr. Muhammad Abdo Yamani: every inch of the (Arakan) scream as Muslim land, and remains a word (Arakan) is the Arabic word of Islamic (collection corner) attests to the fact they belong Islamic, and admitted of Buddhist (Maung Than Lwin) that the name of the County (Arakan ) is derived from the Arabic (corner). .Lama (Rohingya) seems to be linked to the Iraqi city of Kufa, there are Muslims attribute (Rohingya) to (Rhnj), which is of Tsahev (Alarhama), or (Alarhamh), or (Alraheemh), and (Alraheemh) an old estate near Kufa, mentioned Mutanabi in one of his poems, he said:
Villa you to a night out on Oekh
Protect the country's hidden voices
The sleeve nut Alraheemh
And the rest is more than ever
It is not unlikely nominated shores (Arkan) Balraheemh like naming the estate, near Kufa, and described by historians (Staff) and the kings words: ((Kingdom Arhama and great pillars of the east)), and this is reported by Ibn Khrdazbh, and Yacoubi, and Massoudi, Ibn al-Faqih Al-Hamdani, and Idrisi, and (Alarhama) relative to (Alarham), and (Alarham) belly of Bakr bin Wael from Adnaniyah, and Wareham bin crown belly of Amr ibn al-Qais, which means that the establishment of the Kingdom (Alarhama) due bounty to the Arabs, as is evident from the name , and God knows best. . .

Legitimate questions and in its place
If the County (Arakan) of the regions rich in gas and oil as this is the same, does not mean that conditions will improve revenues derived from oil and gas, but we mean it will be the kiss of the countries of the industrialized Almottagbrh, which STDs her nose in its internal affairs and pretend Benjdtha and aid their situation tragic, and will be attractive to fleets military giant, and became the same as our situation since the discovery of a blessing (curse) of oil and gas and to this day, and this is the secret of Tsdrna headlines in Alraaha and Gaah, sometimes under the pretext of searching for weapons of mass destruction, and sometimes under the pretext of suppressing terrorism and drying up its sources, and at other times under the pretext of applying the provisions of Chapter VII, VIII and IX, in consecutive political set up and directed the implementation of the evil forces and its lackeys in the region, and so remained (Arakan) bear alone carry heavy, and tan from her wounds deep in a forgotten corner of the Bay of Bengal, sacrifice its sons and its men and women in full view of the entire Islamic world, without receiving support and assistance and support of the forces that rushed with the armies of the Odyssey, and came to the rescue (Libya), if only because it is rich with gas and oil, either (Arakan) is no where no gas or oil, Valhimh and diet when some Arabs issue of oil determined by scholars of the dollar. .
Conditions do not differ (Arakan) a lot about the conditions of her sister (Gaza), surrounded by some of the leaders of Islamic countries, and Tanoha Bermah treachery, Vmnawa by the Food and Drug Administration, and failed the (Hamas), which at the height of their enthusiasm. Do not vary their conditions on the conditions of the territory (Kosovo), when he committed incest Slobodan Milosevic, the most heinous massacres against Albanian civilians, stood some Arab leaders in 1999 in a row Slobodan incest, while the international community has stood with Muslim villages affected, and forced him to withdraw, not different people (Arakan) for children (stateless) Arabs, who deprived them of some Islamic countries of their civil rights, although they were born on this earth, and have lived here for tens of decades. .
If the County (Arakan) produces opium, marijuana and cocaine in the quantities produced by Afghanistan, to the evil forces Tdhud defend it, sometimes under the pretext of eliminating tidal Soviet, and sometimes under the pretext of eliminating the tide of Islamic interests are set by the tracks that move so Army Corps, which creates motivating factors to the conscience of the Security Council, which brings the attention organizations (humanity) and raises her curiosity. .
Even Arab satellite itself refrained from reporting on the massacres disastrous, was not communicated to us by comments by President Burmese evil (Thein Sein) and his demonic to kill and displace and starve the people Alrhnge Muslim, when permitted to dogs campaigns of ethnic cleansing by burning, destruction, rape, do not talk about Arab satellite channels, even whispered, did not address to hell, home to the stricken people even for a one-time programs in the National Giograve as a courtesy to say the least, except the channel (glory), which conveyed some of the facts of the bloody massacres. .
Ironically, unfortunate that the employment offices in some countries, the Gulf turns to these days to provide employment opportunities for Burmen Buddhists, who hold passports issued by the Government (Mainmar) racism, and allowed them to work on their vessels and Mrakpha, and worst of all, the Arab and Islamic countries where there is no Organization Rhngeh one, which forced them to establish their organizations in Western countries, Vtasst Organization (BRAD) in Germany, was founded (BRAT) in Thailand, and the Organization (BRCA) in Australia, and the Organization (BROUK) in Britain, and the Organization (BRAJ) in Japan, and organization (RCN) in Norway. .
And launched the Western media this sad song with sympathetic Rohingya, who says her words:
Free dom from fears.
Stop killing Rohingya inside Arakan
There is place is on this earth
Where the people live in fear
Life goes on with fearful mind
Life may end for gray wall
Listen to the whisper sounds
Coming from their darker side
Sometime drawn in fire of guns
Sometime echo from freedom
Freedom from fear
That is all we need for living as human
Freedom from fear
Pass it to our children to build this world
Drive away the fears from their heart and souls
Let them live and play peace of mind
Looking through their hopeless faces
You can find the hiding answer
Just a word is no more
Enough lend a heart give them hopes
If we stand up together
We can cast the fear aside
Freedom from fear
That is all we need for living as human
Freedom from fear
Did not I tell you that the Rohingya have lost their fortunes are at Arab satellite channels big busy these days, misleading information, which did not seem interested in Balrhngean because after them for us, and because of their misery and poverty and the weakness of their situation, and because of their fight Islamic sincere where standing faith alone in the face of disbelief all, and no power but God Almighty. .
And it is a great massacres heartbreaking, and yes, nothing else is the agent, is able to defeat the evil Lord injustice against defenseless people in his battle with unequal Burmese army mad. .
O lift the injustice against them, and save their honor, and to their enemies Anzarethm O Most Merciful, and unto God and to Him we return. . The God of Leicester Gaaat And it is a great massacres heartbreaking, and yes, nothing else is the agent, is able to defeat the evil Lord injustice against defenseless people in his battle with unequal Burmese army mad. .
O lift the injustice against them, and save their honor, and to their enemies Anzarethm O Most Merciful, and unto God and to Him we return