The Golden Section is a ratio based on a phi

The Golden Section is also known as the Golden Mean, Golden Ratio and Divine Proportion. It is a ratio or proportion defined by the number Phi ( = 1.618033988749895... )

It can be derived with a number of geometric constructions, each of which divides a line segment at the unique point where:

the ratio of the whole line (A) to the large segment (B)

is the same as the ratio of the large segment (B) to the small segment (C).


In other words, A is to B as B is to C.

This occurs only where A is 1.618 ... times B and B is 1.618 ... times C.

You will see in this presentation how great God is and this furnishes evidences to the existence of God.

Nothing but controlled by this divine ratio.

***** The distance between the finger tip

***** and the elbow / the distance between

***** *the wrist and the elbow= 1. 618

***** The distance between the navel and the top of the head / the distance between the shoulder line and the top of the head =1. 618


The distance between the navel and knee / the distance between the knee and the end of the foot.

We should expect to find this ratio in ideal persons.

Even your feet show phi

The foot has several proportions based on phi lines, including:

1)* The middle of the arch of the foot**

and The widest part of the foot

3)* The base of the toe line and big toe

4)* The top of the toe line and base of the "index" toe


Our fingers have three sections.

The proportion of the first two sections

to the full length of the finger, gives the

*golden ratio.

This does not, of course, apply to the thumb

with its two joints.

You can also see that the proportion of the

middle finger to the little finger is also a golden ratio.


*the Human Face


the total width of the two front teeth in the upper jaw over their height gives a golden ratio.

The width of the first tooth from the centre to the second tooth also yields a golden ratio.

*God says in the Holy Quran:

“He Who created you and formed you and proportioned you and assembled you in whatever way He willed.” (Surat al-Infitar, 7-8)

* The length of face / the width of face= 1.681

The length of mouth / the width of nose= 1.681

The width of nose / the distance between nostrils= 1.681

The distance between pupils / the distance between eyebrows= 1.681

The distance between the shoulder line and the top of the head / the head length= 1. 618


The golden ratio* in the lung


One feature of the network of the bronchi that constitutes the lung is that it is asymmetric.

For example, the windpipe divides

*into two main bronchi, one long (on the left)

and the other short (on the right). This asymmetrical division continues into the subsequent subdivisions of the bronchi. It was determined that in all these divisions the proportion of the short bronchus to the long was always 1/1.618.



A rectangle whose sides are 1 and 1.618 units long is a golden rectangle.

Let us assume a square drawn along the length of the short side of this rectangle and draw

a quarter circle between two corners of the square.

*Then, let us draw a square and a quarter circle on the remaining side and do this for all the remaining rectangles in the main rectangle.

When you do this you will end up with a spiral.

The Nautilus Shell, Ram's horns, milk in coffee, the face of a Sunflower, your fingerprints, our DNA, and the shape of the Milky Way. Animals horns, elephants trunks, mammoth, spider’s web, flowers, sunflower, cabbage, the finger print spiral galaxies**


The Golden Ratio in DNA


DNA consists of two intertwined perpendicular helixes.

The length of the curve in each of these helixes is 34 angstroms and the width 21 angstroms. (1 angstrom is one hundred millionth of a centimeter.)

21 and 34 are two consecutive Fibonacci numbers.


Golden ratio are found in the structure of virus.

Virus are found in three-dimensional shapes as the tetrahedron, octahedron, dodecahedron, icosahedron and hexahedron, that we may never encounter in our daily lives and whose names we may never even have heard of.

Scientists have discovered that these shapes can all mathematically turn into one another, and that this transformation takes place with ratios linked to the golden ratio.


The Golden Ratio in Snowflakes

The golden ratio also manifests itself in crystal structures.

Most of these are in structures too minute to

be seen with the naked eye.

Yet you can see the golden ratio in snowflakes.

The various long and short variations and protrusions that comprise the snowflake, all yield the golden ratio.


The Golden Ratio in Physics

*You encounter Fibonacci series and the golden ratio in fields that fall under the sphere of physics.

When a light is held over two contiguous layers of glass, one part of that light passes through, one part is absorbed, and the rest is reflected. What happens is a "multiple reflection." The number of paths taken by the ray inside the glass, before it emerges again, depends on the number of reflections it is subjected to. In conclusion, when we determine the number of rays that re-emerge, we find that they are compatible with the Fibonacci numbers.



The proportion of distance between Mecca and North Pole to the distance between Mecca and South Pole is exactly 1.618

*which is the golden mean.**


Moreover, the proportion of the distance between South Pole and Mecca to the distance between both poles is again 1.618*


The Golden Ratio Point of the World is in Mecca city according to map of latitude and longitude which is the common determinant of mankind for location


*Phi matrix program is an American program used for displaying golden ratio of pictures and drawings.

*If we assume the longitude and latitude map of the World as an everlasting painting which has an endless depth, and open it in this program, we will find out that the Golden Ratio Point of the World is the City of Mecca.

Phi matrix program is an American program used for displaying golden ratio of pictures and drawings. If we assume the longitude and latitude map of the World as an everlasting painting which has an endless depth, and open it in this program, we will find out that the Golden Ratio Point of the World is the City of Mecca.


In The Holy Quran, chapter (4), verse number”96”, the word Mekka is mentioned, the total numbers of the words in the verse is” 47”. . Calculating the golden ratio of total letters, *we find out that the word of Mecca is implied.** 47/1.618=29.

There are (29) nine letters from the beginning of the verse till we reach the word” Mekka”

