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نص الموضوع باللغة الإنجليزية
NATIONAL DESK | November 25, 2003, Tuesday
Lawyer for Church Says He Hid His Own Sexual Abuse by Priest
Late Edition - Final , Section A , Page 1 , Column 1
ABSTRACT - Attorney Robert P Scamardo, who for five years defended Roman Catholic Diocese of Galveston-Houston in sexual abuse cases, reveals own history of abuse as teenager, by parish priest and lay minister; says in interview that he felt good about work fending off lawsuits and collaborating with church officials to yield as little money as possible, until one victim commented that Scamardo could not possibly understand her anguish; photo; Scamardo describes own thoughts of suicide and confrontation with hierarchy aggressibly guarding church assets; says church, not victims, insisted on confidentiality in settlements, that lawyers are still playing hardball behind scenes and that there are still many more abusive priests than have been made public (M)
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مفيش مشكلة أبداً .. تلاقيهم بعد ما خلصوا راح واحد منهم قعد على كرسي الاعتراف والباقي اعترفوا له بالخطيئة وطلبوا الغفران والتاني قام رافع الصليب في وشهم وقال مغفور لكم بس متبقوش تعملوا كده تاني وقام هوه وقعد واحد تاني عشان يعترف له .. بس خلاص
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