
السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته

إخواني الأعزاء لقد قمت بالمشاركة في أحد المنتديات الأجنبية والتي يشارك بها أعضاء
كثيرين من كافة دول العالم ، وقمت بوضع الرابط التالي لهم :


وهو عبارة عن فلاش يتكلم عن الإسلام..........

فجاءني الرد من أحد الأعضاء كما يلي :

Nice that you mentioned soorah Al-Faatihah verse 4:"You alone do we worship and from you alone do we seek help" and also soorah Mu'mlm 40:60: "And your Lord says:Call on Me and I will answer your prayer". Now lets see. I recall a story recounted by a brave Muslim warrior of the Northern Alliance. They had just captured 20 Taliban and were preparing to bury them alive, now that's pretty nasty stuff. When the Taliban figured out what was about to happen to them, they started praying to Allah for help and rescue, I suppose kind of urgently. What happened next? Well, sadly, Allah missed a chance to help his most fervent believers and they were indeed buried alive. Now, if the mullahs hadn't driven out any rational thought of the Northern Alliance soldier, he might have reasoned: What is wrong with this picture? If Allah won't (can't) help his most dedicated followers, why would he help me, or somebody else for that matter? Does Allah really care? Does he even exist? ... or was he just testing their faith? So, what's the soorah worth? The most you can get out of it is hope but not much else.

فأرجو من الذي لديه علم ومن هو متمكن في اللغة الإنجليزية أن يعطيني الإجابة المقنعة لهؤلاء الأشخاص....
وإن شاء الله تكون في ميزان حسناته يوم القيامة............

أرجو الدقة والإقناع لأن الإجابة سوف يطلع عليها عدد كبير من البشر .
