اقتباس المشاركة الأصلية كتبت بواسطة ذو الفقـار مشاهدة المشاركة

أحسنت يا عبد الرحمن أحسن الله إليك

وإن كان العلم أكد ذلك فعلاً ولا ينكر ذلك إلا جاحد

حياك الله أخي الحبيب
comparison of earthquake waves without topography and with mountainous topography

Snapshots of the absolute amplitude of three components of particle ground velocity at time t " 30 sec without topography and
with topography resulting from rupture propagation on the SAF in a homogeneous half-space. The color scale is saturated in this figure and in
all subsequent map-view figures to better highlight features. The red star denotes the epicenter. The contour lines in this figure and subsequent
figures show the topography. The amplitudes of the Rayleigh waves are decreased due to scattering by topography. The scattered
wavefronts can be seen in the right panels.

Effects of Large-Scale Surface Topography on Ground Motions,
as Demonstrated by a Study of the San Gabriel Mountains,
Los Angeles, California
by Shuo Ma*, Ralph J. Archuleta, and Morgan T. Page