اضافة :

صرح الناقد جوزيف فتزماير باحتمالية وجود تراث شفهي بدائي لبعض التفاصيل المذكورة في انجيل الطفولة ليعقوب
نقرا من A Christological Catechism: New Testament Answers للناقد Joseph A. Fitzmyer الصفحة 15:
(( Protevangelium Jacobi, or proto gospel of James dating from the end of the second century. It fills in details that may come from a primative, authentic tradition , but more likely supplies such details from imaginative speculation. In this work we learn abou the life of Mary, the mother of Jesus, the names of her parents ( Ann and Joachim), her presentation in the temple, her marriage to Joseph, her elderly husband who already had children, by an earlier marriage,etc))