اضافة :
هناك من النقاد من صرح بان القصص المذكورة في انجيل الطفولة لتوما لها تراث شفهي يعود الى القرن الاول
نقرا من The Infancy Gospel of Thomas: A Study of the Textual and Literary Problems للناقد Stephen Gero الصفحة 73
Novum Testamentum Vol. 13, Fasc. 1 (Jan., 1971), pp. 46-80 (35 pages) The Infancy Gospel of Thomas: A Study of the Textual and Literary Problems Stephen Gero from this discussion. The original logion, in the first stage of oral transmission (Ist-2nd century) developed into a concise controversy apophthegm. The apophthegm was written down in the second century (Epistula Apostolorum, Marcosians, Irenaeus), but not thereby removed from oral circulation. In the next "tunnel period" of oral transmission, from the second to the sixth century, the narrative material was considerably expanded, but the saying itself was preserved unchanged (Cf. BMSyr and the Marcosian logion!

بل ان التراث الشفهي لانجيل الطفولة لتوما يرجع الى فترة طويلة قبل كتابته
Cursing in the Infancy Gospel of Thomas الصفحة 188 للناقد Daniel Eastman Vigiliae Christianae Vol. 69, No. 2 (2015), pp. 186-208 (23 pages) From the wide variety of the Greek variants and the other versions, both geographically and in terms of content, it seems likely that the stories of lesus' childhood enjoyed a broad circulation around the Mediterranean, though pri- marily in the East. It also seems likely, as some scholars have pointed out, that the stories underwent a rather long period of oral transmission before they were written down. This hypothesis receives further support when we exam-ine some of the external references to IT in antiquity
. The first certain refer- ences to the stories of IGT (whether in oral or written form is unclear) date from the late second century Irenaeus, in his Against Heresies, cites the story of Jesus' encounter with the teacher Zacchaeus (IGT 6), in which Jesus chal- lenges his teacher to explain the true meaning of the letter alpha. Irenaeus refers to this episode in the context of the "spurious writings" (perperum scrip- turarum / v6®wv ypaowv) of the Marcosians,? which makes it fairly likely that at least the teacher story was written down at this point, if not the rest of the sto- ries included in IGT.&))