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The mysterious creatures of the sky can be traced in the history of the Roman Empire. According to ancient manuscripts, giant red ravens were seen flying in the sky above Rome in the year 106 B.C. Ancient writings say that the birds were carrying red-hot stones in their beaks. The ravens dropped and stones down on the ground, having scorched a half of the city. Similar fire-like creatures reminiscent of birds were seen in France and Portugal, in Middle Ages. They were called fire elementalias, specters of fire. Fire-birds caused numerous fires in the middle of the 1980s in San-Juan, Puerto Rico. Eyewitnesses said that the
birds were huge, with a wing-spread of about four meters.

و مما سبق نرى أن المخطوطات القديمة تحدثت عن غربان سوداء Ravens غطت سماء روما سنة 106 ق.م والغريب أنها كانت تحمل بين أقدامها حجارة حمراء حارة بمناقيرها أسقطتها على الأرض فدمرت نصف المدينة و نفس الطيور شوهدت فى فرنسا و البرتغال فى العصور الوسطى.