Quote Originally Posted by محمد سني 1989 View Post
First : you said that seeing the kingdom of god as you say does not mean feelings , then what is it if it is not knowledge since you say you do not have answers yet !!!!!
it is an experience and revelation of knowledge and truth that can accompany feelings but necessarily. Didn't you know there is a difference between knowledge and feelings? Take love for instance, love can accompany feelings but not necessarily. You can give your enemy who is thirsty a cup of water without having feelings be they emotional or whatever.
Quote Originally Posted by محمد سني 1989 View Post
Second: the passage never said anything about culmination it is your personal interpritation of the text which the context of the text does not support
What are you talking about righteousness !!!!! this has nothing to do with what Jesus said nor does it give a viable answer !!!!
The text say that Jesus's last words was asking god why he left him!!! then he shouted and died !!!! any person who can read will simply deduct this as the person not wanting to die and feels like he failed !!!!
I never said the passage says that explicitly, but we can infer that from Biblical hermeneutics and Biblical scholars concur. It is not my private interpretation as you say. It is understood by the congregation of churches in general. You are the one coming up with private interpretation that Jesus shouting out His last words means failure and a discrepancy in the central gospel message. You are seeing this all on your own. We don't see what you talking about as being a point here, because it isn't.
Quote Originally Posted by محمد سني 1989 View Post
Third No the last words of Jesus are important as his concept of dying for others , especially that his last words would reflect his beliefs. The last words for every human being is important, no body would in their right mind say giberish for their last words rather they would say what they felt.
Some people do say gibberish as their last words. Look it up online. A man gave his last words before being put to death on an electric chair: "You people are going to see French fries." Jesus saying "Why have you forsaken me" is not gibberish but it is significant to our belief that Jesus became cursed so we could e blessed; he died so we could live; HE BECAME SIN so we could be made the righteousness of God in Christ Jesus. These are things that will make no sense to the unregenerated mind, heart and soul. Jesus said, "You must be born again..." That is why the Bible states that the preaching of the cross is to them that perish foolishness, but unto us that are saved, it is the power of God!!!
Quote Originally Posted by محمد سني 1989 View Post
Fourth : If the twelve men wrote what happened years later and because that they started to forget then that my friend proves that :
1. Most of what they wrote are unreliable
2. They were not guided by God because forgetting things related to God's scripture before documenting it means that God did not support their writing nor were they guided by the holy ghost when writting

Note: I will not respond to topics not related to what we are discussing , so I will quote what we are discussing only. These crafty tactics of yours will not work
It is your opinion and nothing more that the BIBLE IS NOT RELIABLE as you have mentioned so many times. I can say the same about the Quran. The truth is both of our faiths have difficulties in them that we don't always know the answer to. I am willing to admit it, but Muslims are not it seems, and I understand why, but it doesn't stop me from seeing them in the Quran.
Your comment about me being crafty wasn't necessary. You just want to keep me on the defensive about the Bible, and don't want to be on the defensive about the Quran so you call me "crafty." The title of this thread is to examine what makes more sense between any aspects of our faith; so there is no craft involved when I use the Quran as an example of what the Bible is not in terms of how we received our Scriptures.
Islam has to attack Christianity to promote its religion, but Christianity doesn't have to do this, and it is not a reaction against other faiths the way the Quran is against the Bible. The Bible just tells you it is this and that way and lets the chips fall where they may, and for this reason, Christianity with all its difficulties makes more sense to me than Islam.

