By Abul-'Abbaas Moosaa Richardson

From the topics discussed:

Lesson 1: Who is Allaah?
Who is our Lord?
Did Allaah make us?
Did Allaah make the animals?
Name something Allaah made in the sea?
Who made the sun?
Did Allaah make the mountains?
Who made the stars?
What else did Allaah make?
Who made the clouds?
Lesson 2: Allaah Gives Us Food Every Day
Does Allaah give us food every day?
Who made us healthy?
Who gave us our mothers and fathers?
Did Allaah give us our teeth?
Who gave us our eyes?
What else did Allaah give us?
Did Allaah give us our noses?
Who gave us our homes?
Lesson 3: There is No One Like Allaah
Is anyone like Allaah?
Did anyone else make the mountains?
Is Allaah way up high?
Is Allaah above everything?
Is anyone else above everything?
Is Allaah here in this room?
Allaah is where?
Is your father the same as Allaah?
Who is the same as Allaah?
Lesson 4: Allaah Sees Us and Hears Us Wherever We Are
Does Allaah know everything?
Does Allaah know what we did yesterday?
Does Allaah know what we're doing right now?
Does Allaah see and hear everthing we do?
Can anyone else see and hear everything that we do?
Where is Allaah?
Is Allaah above the sky?
Who else is above everything?
Who knows everything we do?
Does Allaah know that we are in a class right now?
Does Allaah know where your friends are?
Does Allaah hear us talking right now?
Does Allaah see us sitting down right now?
Are there some things that Allaah can not see or hear?
Does Allaah know what we are doing right now, see us and hear us right now?
Are there some things that Allaah does not know?
Lesson 5: Allaah Heals Us When We Are Sick
What do we say when somone sneezes?
Who is the only one who can cure us?
Who do we ask when we are sick?
What is a du'aa to say when we are sick?
What do we say before we eat?
What do we say after we eat?

Lesson 6: The Questioning in the Grave (Mini Arabic Lesson)
Is Allaah above the sky?
Who knows everyhing we do?
Does Allaah see us right here and right now?
If someone asks you, man rabbuk (who is your Lord)...?

Listen/Download Pt. 1

Listen/Download Pt. 2

Listen/Download Pt. 3

Listen/Download Pt. 4

Listen/Download Pt. 5

Listen/Download Pt. 6