فضيحة سواجرت بالمصدر الموثق
عتقد أن من أشهر المناظرات التى قام بها شيخ المناظرين كانت مناظرت جيمى سواجرت و أعتقد أن الكل قد شاهد فى أول الشريط الكلمه التى توجد فى أول المناظره من أن هذا الشخص قد تم القبض عليه مع مومس
ولقد كان هناك بعض الإعتراضات من بعض النصارى وقولهم أن سبب وجود هذه المعلومه فى أول الشريط هى التشهير بالقس والتأثير على المشاهد
"To my lord, my savior, I have sinned against you, my lord." (February 21, 1988)
On February 21, 1988, televangelist Jimmy Swaggart admitted in a tearful, Sunday-morning sermon that he had engaged in improprieties with a prostitute. In addition to adultery, Swaggart was guilty of hypocrisy, for in 1987 he had scathingly denounced fellow Assemblies of God televangelist Jim Bakker and Marvin Gorman for their extramarital affairs. It was Gorman who hired the private detective that snapped photographs of Swaggart entering a seedy motel outside of New Orleans in the company of a known prostitute. These incriminating photos were then handed over to the Assemblies of God, forcing Swaggart's public apology and temporary departure from the pulpit. Jimmy Swaggart, the most popular television preacher of his day, was born in 1935 and grew up in the small town of Ferriday, Louisiana. His first cousins were Jerry Lee Lewis, an early rock-and-roll star, and Mickey Gilley, who became a country-western singer. Like Lewis and Gilley, Swaggart was musically gifted, but he found an outlet in the Pentecostal faith and traveled the South, performing gospel music and preaching in tent meetings. He soon was preaching on television, and by the 1980s his Swaggart Ministries was drawing in close to $100 million a year. He returned to preaching soon after his downfall in 1988, but his fortunes were seriously diminished.
فضيحة سواجرت بالمصدر الموثق
When the PTL scandal destroyed fellow Assemblies of God minister Jim Bakker, Swaggart publicly denounced Bakker as "a cancer on the body of Christ."
Later that year, Swaggart destroyed a rival evangelist, Marvin Gorman, over an affair Gorman had. Gorman retaliated because he knew Swaggart was doing the same thing. In 1987, Swaggart was involved with a prostitute at a Metairie, LA hotel called the Travel Inn on Airline Highway, when Gorman and some associates flattened Swaggart's tires, went and got cameras, and took photographs of Swaggart exiting the hotel with the prostitute. Gorman confronted Swaggart and told him he would have to come clean. Swaggart said he would, but refused to do so. Only after much wraggling did Gorman take copies of the photographs to the Assemblies of God headquarters in Springfield, Missouri. The story broke on February 20, 1988, four months after Swaggart had promised to confess his sin. On February 21, 1988, on his television show taped in Baton Rouge, Louisiana, Swaggart confessed that he was guilty of an unspecified sin and would be temporarily leaving the pulpit. Swaggart lost much of his audience after this event. Swaggart blamed his problems on "demons" and claimed that controversial evangelist Oral Roberts had "cast out the demons" over the phone, thus assuring Swaggart was now free of moral defect. (source: "The Agony of Deceit" by Mike Horton).
While Swaggart may have frequented other seedy hotels in areas such as Baton Rouge and Lake Charles, the location of the infamous photograph was in Metairie, LA. There are erroneous reports of this hotel being in Lake Charles or Baton Rouge.
In November 1991, he was stopped for speeding. In the car with him was another prostitute. Soon after, he was told to leave the church he pastored, but he did not do so. Swaggart kept his church and began preaching again years later. In 1995, Swaggart was again pulled over this time in California with a prostitute in the car.
In 2002, the heirs of Pentecostal Bible teacher Finis Jennings Dake filed a plagiarism suit against Swaggart for failing to gain their permission before publishing some of Dake's materials. That lawsuit is pending at present.
He now claims to have "made his life right with God" and preaches a message called "the Cross" which says that the only way to Heaven is through the death of Jesus. He opposes such movements as "G12 Vision" and "Purpose Driven Life."
In mid-September 2004, Swaggart, in a politically charged sermon, said that he would kill gay men:
"I'm trying to find the correct name for it … this utter absolute, asinine, idiotic stupidity of men marrying men. … I've never seen a man in my life I wanted to marry. And I'm gonna be blunt and plain; if one ever looks at me like that, I'm gonna kill him and tell God he died." [1]
Gay rights groups quickly demanded that other right-wing religious leaders at the service, including James Dobson and Tony Perkins, repudiate his comment.
معلومات الموضوع
الأعضاء الذين يشاهدون هذا الموضوع
الذين يشاهدون الموضوع الآن: 1 (0 من الأعضاء و 1 زائر)
المواضيع المتشابهه
بواسطة إدريسي في المنتدى مشروع كشف تدليس مواقع النصارى
مشاركات: 5
آخر مشاركة: 06-01-2012, 09:23 PM
بواسطة السيف البتار في المنتدى من ثمارهم تعرفونهم
مشاركات: 5
آخر مشاركة: 27-06-2007, 03:24 AM
بواسطة طارق حماد في المنتدى منتديات محبي الشيخ أحمد ديدات
مشاركات: 1
آخر مشاركة: 20-02-2007, 11:45 AM
بواسطة السيف البتار في المنتدى الأبحاث والدراسات المسيحية للداعية السيف البتار
مشاركات: 7
آخر مشاركة: 26-09-2006, 12:34 AM
الكلمات الدلالية لهذا الموضوع
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