Refuting the Suspicion :


This story is a fabricated story about the prophet (peace be upon him), the Muslims do not approve it; the researchers admit it as fabricated as follows:

1- Al Shekh Al Albani (Allah bless him) in (the Serial of Weak and Fabricated) number 5405 he said : (fabricated)

2-In the Book of ( Discovering being Mean about the Great Islam ) revealed the story as :

1-Ibn Kkatheer mentioned this story in his date (6/150) and said that this story is weak and more than one of the senior memorizers.

2- Ibn Atheer stated in Forest Lion (chapter 4 page 707) that the story is weak and not correct, and here is for you his speech about what he reported from Abi Musa after mentioning the story: “this speech is denied and not having a trustful reference nor a strong source s and nobody can narrate it from me only if mentioning my comment on it”.

3- The senior memorizer Ibn Hajar Al Asqalani in the book The Language of Scales, the

Chapter whose name is Muhammad Bin Mzid told this story as an example of the lie that Muhammad Bin Mzid told, and he mentioned the speech of Al hafith Ibn Haban here is the text of his speech:

“Muhammad Bin Mzid Abu Jahfar: from Abi Hthaifa Al Nahdi Ibn Haban mentioned he narrated from Abi Hthaifa this false story”.

Then Abu Hajr mentioned the full story and said: Ibn Haban said: this story has no origin and has no reference. Ibn Al Jozi said : Allah curses who first fabricated this story.

4-The speech of Imam Al Siywty in the book (Pearls Made) the first chapter, (the book of virtues) and the exact title of the book is (Pearls Made in Fabricated Ahadiths), and this book is specialized for fabricated false ahadiths in other words : lies.

When Imam Al Siywty discussed it a lot said: fabricated( he means the narration)

Then he mentions the speech of Imam Al Hafth Ibn Haban and here is what he said:

Ibn haban said: has no origin and has no reference and Muhammad Bin Mzid can not be used as a prove.

As we all have seen they were never faithful in narrating, they cut off the statement from the context and they hide from you the Muslim scholar comments on it before and after mentioning it and they make this intentionally for a purpose .(with a slight literal change)

I said: it is obvious from what mentioned before that the story is not true; but it is fabricated…

So the answer by the Muslim was correct when he said :The first man believed in Islam was Abu Bakr, the first youth was Ali, and the first woman was Khadija (Allah bless them), and we don’t believe in the story of yahfur the donkey that the Christian told as we released before…. If there were not depending on references in telling Hadiths, everyone said everything as Ibn Al Mubarak said (Allah bless him).