A prophet says: I was ordered to fight people!

One of the famous objectors, and his followers made a diatribe in the mass media, criticizing Muhammad's (PBUH) speech: " I was ordered to fight people…"

They alleged that the messenger of Allah (PBUH) was ordered to fight all people!!
They resorted to what's mentioned in Al Bukhari and Muslim:

1 – The Correct Bukhari, book of (Faith), chapter (But if they should repent, establish prayer, and give zakah, let them [go] on their way), no. 24. Abdullah Ibn Muhammad Al Musnadi said: Abu Rouh Al Harmi Ibn Omara said: Shouba narrated from Waqed Ibn Muhammad, said: I heard my father narrated from Ibn Omar that the messenger of Allah (PBUH) said: "I was ordered to fight people till they witness that there's no God but Allah, and that Muhammad is the messenger of Allah, establish prayer, and give zakah (alms). If they do so, they preserve their blood and money from me, except by the right of Islam, and Allah will judge them".
2 – The Correct Muslim, book of (Faith), chapter (the order of fighting people till they say there's no God but Allah and Muhammad is the messenger of Allah), no. 30. Abu Al Taher, Harmala Ibn Yahia, and Ahmad Ibn Eissa said: Ibn Wahb told us: Yunus narrated from Ibn Shehab that he said: Saeed Ib Al Musaib narrated that Abu Huraira told him that the messenger of Allah (PBUH) said: " I was ordered to fight people till they say there's no God but Allah. He who says it preserves himself and his money from me, except by his right, and Allah will judge him".
The reply:
First: the person who discusses this speech doesn't concern us. Negligibles are too many, and there's no sin greater than disbelief. Allah, the Almighty, says: {And thus have We made for every prophet an enemy from among the criminals. But sufficient is your Lord as a guide and a helper} (The Criterion: 31). As for this person's followers, I say: as there're leaders who guide their followers to the good, there are leaders who guide their followers to hell. Allah, the Almighty, says: {And We made them leaders inviting to the Fire, and on the Day of Resurrection they will not be helped} (The Stories: 41)
I call out at the followers of that man to search justly, in order not to be doomed ; as Allah, the Almighty, doomed previous nations. He, the Almighty, said about Pharaoh's and Haman's followers, who are their soldiers and obey their orders without thinking: {Indeed, Pharaoh and Haman and their soldiers were deliberate sinners} (The Stories: 8)
It's mentioned in Al Jalalain interpretation: {Indeed, Pharaoh and Haman} his minister {and their soldiers were deliberate sinners) from sin means: contravenes, so they were punished.
Second: their claim, which says: the prophet (PBUH) was ordered to fight all people, is false….It indicates that they're liars, why?
Because when I revised all the speech versions, I didn't find their claim…!
I have a question here: where did they find the word (all) in all the version?!
The answer: It's not found at all. It's only found in their shallow minds….
Therefore, this is a proof for their dishonesty and brain washing the public's minds.
Someone can ask: Who are the people that Muhammad (PBUH) was ordered to fight, as he said: "I was ordered to fight people till they witness that there's no God but Allah, and that Muhammad is the messenger of Allah……."?
I say: It's not logic to understand from this speech that he (PBUH) was ordered to fight all people, because his companions, his wives, his children were among "all people" and he (PBUH) didn't fight them….!
To clarify this, I will ask some questions about the Quranic verse, in which Allah, the Almighty, says: {Those to whom the people said, 'The people have gathered against you, therefore fear them', but it increased them in faith, and they said, 'God is sufficient for us; an excellent Guardian is He } (The Family of Imran: 173)
"Those to whom people said" who are those people? Are they all the people?
The answer: no, they're not all the people. It means: Naeem Ibn Masood Al Ashjaey, only one man, and Allah, the Almighty, called him "people".
"The people have gathered against you" who are those people? Are they all the people?
The answer: no, they're not all the people. It means: Abu Sufian and his friends. "have gathered against you" to weed you out.
Thus Naeem Abu Masood Al Ashjaey, and Abu Sufian, and his friends are not all the people.
In consequence, Muhammad's (PBUH) speech: "I was ordered to fight people…." means: "to fight a certain group of people".
In his book, Al Fateh, Ibn Hajar, clarifies this saying: the word is general and has specific meaning. So, in his (PBUH) speech: "to fight people" means: the disbelievers (not the Christians and the Jews). This is proved by Al Nasaee's narration: "I was ordered to fight the disbelievers".
Allah, the Almighty, says: {Fight those who do not believe in Allah or in the Last Day and who do not consider unlawful what Allah and His Messenger have made unlawful and who do not adopt the religion of truth from those who were given the Scripture - [fight] until they give the jizyah willingly while they are humbled} (The Repentance: 29)
Thus, Muhammad (PBUH) wasn't ordered to fight all the disbelievers, as this did never happen. He (PBUH) was ordered to fight the leaders of disbelief, who used to torture the righteous people, combat Allah's religion, and stand as an obstacle in Muhammad's way in inviting people to Islam, so that he (PBUH) saves the weak from hellfire and leads them to heaven….

Third: after clarifying the group of people meant in Muhammad's speech…There's an important question: why did the prophet (PBUH) fight them?
The answer is in the rest of the speech: "till they witness that there's no God but Allah, and that Muhammad is the messenger of Allah, establish prayer, and give zakah (alms). If they do so, they preserve their blood and money from me, except by the right of Islam, and Allah will judge them".
Therefore, he (PBUH) didn't fight them except after inviting them kindly to obey Allah's, the Almighty, orders, and letting them choose between Islam, or the Jizia (taxes), if they're Christians and Jews, or fight. If they choose fighting, that was reluctantly to Muslims, Allah, the Almighty, says: { Fighting has been enjoined upon you while it is hateful to you} (The Cow: 216)
So, he (PBUH) fights the leaders of disbelief, in order to let people worship Allah, the Almighty, and save their followers from hellfire. He (paid) the price for this from his (PBUH) and his companions' blood and remains.

As a result, he (PBUH) didn't fight the leaders of disbelief for the sake of money, position, or leadership….

On the contrary, he fought them "till they witness that there's no God but Allah, and that Muhammad is the messenger of Allah, establish prayer, and give zakah (alms)".
Then, this is a proof for his (PBUH) complete mercy with the disbelievers, as he (PBUH) saves them from hellfire by Islam, after letting them choose between the three options previously mentioned….
Besides, he (PBUH) didn't fight the leaders of disbelief by own self, but by Allah's, the Almighty, order.

Ibn Hajar mentioned, in his book, Al Fateh, his words "I was ordered" means: Allah, the Almighty, ordered me, as no one can order a prophet except Allah, the Almighty. And when a companion says: "I was ordered", this means: the messenger of Allah (PBUH) ordered him, and can never mean that another companion did that.

Thus, this was an obligation for Muhammad, because Allah, the Almighty, knew that they wouldn't believe, so He, the Almighty, let his prophet (PBUH) know it. In opposition to what the objectors understand, he (PBUH) didn't order his followers to fight by his own will.
Fourth: there's a big difference between "fight" and "kill".
The first means: exerting an effort to stop an enemy from harming me.

The second means: eradicating the enemy.
No doubt that the speech mentions the first word.