السلام عليكم

احاول الرد على نقاش امريكي عبر الاميل فهل من مساعدة؟ كلامه باللون الاسود
You know Scott I swear that you are saying all this talking and there is a big conflict inside you.you don't have any kind of justice when you talk about Islam .you see Islam from the point of view of islam refusers..I want you to look at the Islam by your eyes not by their eyes.you will know that there is god called Allah and there is religion called Islam .and if you want any evidence we will do if god will.

I will admit that I have some negative feelings towards Islam in particular. You must understand, my introduction to Islam was when 15 Muslims flew airplanes into the World Trade Center on 9/11. Before that day, I had no feelings about Islam whatsoever. Before that day, I had no knowledge about Islam, it was simply not something anyone here talked about or thought about. Since that day, it's something that we talk about quite a bit now.

The Muslims I know in the USA? I have absolutely no problem with them or their religion. They are good Americans, they seem like decent people. The problem is when I read news stories like in Pakistan, where they shot a 14 yr schoolgirl in the head because she was being un-Islamic. They did this in the name of Islam.

But what about the freedom of non-believers? I do not believe in

Allah, I do not believe in Jesus, I do not believe in any god. What about my rights

Who said Islam is against freedom?? You can be what you like

Islam will not force you to change “there is no compulsion in religion” Quran2: 256

It's illegal to convert out of Islam. In fact, you can get the death penalty for doing so.Islamic law discriminates against non-Muslims. Non-Muslims receive less in damages in civil court cases than Muslims, and they have to pay Jizya.

This is not freedom. Freedom entails the right to be a non-Muslim, and enjoy the exact same rights as a Muslim.
There is a big problem with Islam. We are free in our own country to create videos that insult the Prophet. This is our country. You can't tell us not to do that. Islam has no jurisdiction in America.

Islam is a religion not a country so it has no jurisdiction. There are American Muslims too, free speech has limits, and we just seem to disagree on the limits. Do you know the difference between free speech or hate speech?? if you think that free speech should be unlimited, please try questioning the holocaust in your “free America” and tell me how you got on
American laws on free speech are very different than in Europe. I totally disagree with European & Candian anti-free speech laws, and it's one reason I am so thankful to be an American and not a European. It is completely legal to question the Holocaust in America. It is legal to engage in hate speech in America. There are restrictions on speech here, but they are much more limited than in Europe or Canada.
Al Qaeda is calling for jihad because of the video. This is why America sends bombs into Muslim countries. You declared war on us, we did not declare war on you. So if you declare jihad, then yes, we will send bombs to your country. That's how war works.

I know Americans are misinformed but I didn't think it was that bad. So America inferring with our affairs has nothing to do with oil?? Plus Al Qaeda is wanted even by the Muslim leaders. The Middle East problems is more complicated than this but the main reason Americans sticking their nose in our own affair is oil, it has nothing to do with Al Qaeda
I think there is more than one reason we stick our nose in your business, there are many factors. Oil is certainly a reason, but not for the simplistic reasons I've seen from the critics of America. For example, there is a naivete in American politics that I don't think outsiders fully appreciate.

In regards to your solution to Al Qaeda threats, who is wanted even by the Islamic leaders. You know those children who go on school shooting rampage, and it has happened more than once, do you suggest bombing all schools down just in case a kid might attack one day! Muslims like all nations has bad and good people, we don’t claim to be perfect although our religion is perfect
Well, I was overly emotional in that response, I apologize.
. there were people killed that stupid Youtube video.

Morsi, et. al. are saying there should be an international law against

insulting prophets
over .

What about when people burn the American flag? This is insulting to me,

this is humiliating to Americans. If there is a law against insulting

prophets, shouldn't there also be a law against burning the American flag

The killing of innocent people was done by individuals, and has nothing to do with Islam.

the Prophet peace be upon him had said: “He who kills a confederate will not enter paradise.” (A “confederate” is seen as someone who come to a Muslim country and lives peacefully among Muslims.)

”In life you will see people do bad things in the name of religion

somehow Islam is in the spotlight, and we are given a label too,Islamic fundamentalist”, a label only given to Muslims extremist.

You will never hear Christians fundamentalist, or Jew or any other religion. This label is only reserved for us. There are many non-Muslims who killed more than Muslims. America has thier fair share on that, some of the names ,Timothy Mcveigh, Reverend "Jim" Jones, and I can give you a huge list, of people killed in the name of their ideas, religions thoughts etc
You're wrong about that, Christian fundamentalist is used quite frequently here in the US media. In fact, the US is divided along sectarian lines between secularists and traditional Christians. It is a big part of our politics.

Timothy McVeigh was a Catholic, but he did not kill in the name of Catholicism. He wasn't trying to create a Christian theocracy. He was an anti-government terrorist who happened to be Catholic. I recall there was a Muslim guy here several years ago, he killed some people, but he was just crazy. So that's a different category than someone killing in order to force their religion upon others by violence.
Regarding your “precious flag”, the flag is respected but when you go insulting people what do you expect?? Every action has consequences. There is free speech, and free dumb of speech that "offends" Muslims. You reap what you saw
Right. Personally, I don't believe in offending people who are decent people sincerely practicing their faith, or observing their country's rituals, or whatever. The thing is, that video was stupid. I mean, really really stupid. It wasn't even offensive, it made no sense. So for people to die over this, I don't understand that. 99.9999% of Americans would never have seen that video, and even if they had, they would have said it's just a stupid video that doesn't even make any sense.

Part of freedom means that people get to say things that offend you. Do you realize how much offensive, anti-Christian media there is here that insults the Christian faith? As I said, there is a culture war here between the secularists and the Christians, and the media is controlled by the secularists. There was even "art" that was funded by our own government that consisted of putting a crucifix in a jar of urine, and a picture of the Virgin Mary made out of elephant dung.

The difference is that the Christians don't riot and kill dozens of people when they get offended. They don't declare jihad over this.
Lastly friend, I hope that you see both sides of the agreement instead been spoonfed information through your bias media, a little reading can go a long way too. In regards to been Atheist that is your choice but I wonder how many Atheist has used logic as they claim, there are no certainty that there is no GOD, nothing is proven 100% although we believe Islam is a religion of logic and reason, the problem is with Atheist they assume Islam is like any other religion that it does not make sense. In fact most have not read the Quran yet they feel compelled on commenting on

Muslim-Christian debate to say they are as bad as each other. How can they make these conclusions before examining the facts
Well, I am actually agnostic. I can't be atheist, there is too much unknown and unknowable. And you raise a very good point, I should read the Quran to be fully informed before passing judgment.

They just think because they have read one book they are authorized to make a judgement. Can someone write a review on !! two books before examining both?? Well Atheist do as it seems they say we are not researching or searching for a religion, then the question is why do they feel the need to write a review about a book they never read? or make a generalized comment on religion they never investigated??

Let’s say that there is one percent chance that Islam is the truth and indeed there is GOD, do not you think is worth investigating from unbiased source??. In fact is it not worth investigating all religions?? Because there is no certainty that there is no GOD, for the logical people do not they investigate all paths before they come with conclusion about our existence
Yes, you make a good point.
. Lastly, there was this Atheist guy in Britain who went the extreme way and started preaching his thoughts, he advertised about his believe on London buses with a message “there's probably no GOD” heheh how certain is that


Sorry for being hostile with you sometimes. You see, my interest is not in simply hearing about your religious beliefs. I'd like to get to know Muslims as people too. I told you a while back about my Muslim customer. What makes it an interesting relationship for me is that he never talks about religion. Ever. He never even said he was Muslim, he just talked about "religious holidays" when I knew he meant Eid. So, I've gotten to know him well on a personal level. He's the only Muslim I know other than you.

About a week ago, his son was killed in a car accident. I looked at my customer's Facebook profile, and all his family & friends were of course posting supporting posts to him, the majority of them being Muslim. I got to see Islam on a personal level, it's a very different experience for me. Not Islam as a religion, not Islam as a source of conflict with the West, but Islam as something important to people I know & respect in their time of need.

I guess what I'm saying is, I'm as interested in who you are as a person as I am in your religion. You're not simply a Muslim, you are ... (or whatever your real name is.) That makes your religion much more accessible.