خَدعَ اليهودَ مع النصارى أحبارُهم ليلاً نهارا
كذب الأُلى قد حرّفوا التوراةَ في مكرٍ جهارا
بَهَتوا البتولَ بظلمهم ..ولِطهرِها ترنو العذارى

The priests and rabbis trick their people day and night.

Their ancestors lied and cunningly and shamelessly displaced the words of Torah from their right places.

They falsely accused Virgin Mary of adultery,

while the virgins look up to her as a prototype of purity.

كذب الأُلى قد حرّفوا الإنجيلَ كي يُخفوا النهارا
ثم افترَوْا صلْبَ المسيح وصيّروه لهم شعارا

Their ancestors lied when they displaced the words of the Gospel so that they hide the truth.

Then they fabricated the Christ’s crucifixion

and took it up as an emblem.

قالوا: " فداءً للزُّناة و للصوصِ وللسُّكارى ! "

قالوا:" استجارَ بربهِ ".. لو كان رباً ما استجارا

They said:“he was crucified to save the adulterers, thieves, and drunkards”!

They said:“he asked for God’s help”

if he were a true God, he would not ask for help.

ربٌّ ويُصلبُ !ويحَكم!من يُوقظ القومَ الحيارى؟!
وهو المسيحُ ... هو الذي لله أسلمَ، ثم سـارا

How come he is a God and was crucified

Who is to open the eyes of the lost people

He is the Christ who surrendered to God

يدعو إلى التوحيدِ في إنجيله ليلاَ .. نهارا
ويُبشرُّالإنسـانَ أنَّ محمداً آتٍ مَنـارا

And went on calling to monotheism in his Gospel day and night

And giving the happy tidings that Prophet Muhammad is coming as a right guidance.

يدعو إلى الإيمانِ والقرآن أقواماًحيارى
اِبنُ البتولِ أخو الرسولِ كلاهُما حاز الفخارا
وأنا بدربهما أسيرُ وأصطلي نوراً

He will call the lost people to the true faith and Quran.

The Virgin’s son is a peer of Muhammad, and they both were honored as Prophets of God.

And I follow their path directed by their light suffering for the sake of the same cause as theirs.


Ghareeb95 for Forsonna.info
