السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته..

صديقتي النصرانية اعطتني كتاب ادريس عليه السلام على حد قولها انه هو اللي كتبه ويحتوي الكتاب على تنبوءات كتبها في كتابه وهي الان بتحصل...

من ضمن اللي زاد جنونها وتعلقها بالكتاب .. انه يقول على اخر الزمان الناس ما حيقدروا يستخدموا الحديد عشان يحموا انفسهم او يستخدموه في الطيران!!!!!!!!!!

تجننت لمن قالتلي هذا الكلام!!

الكتاب موجود في النت باللغة الانجليزية
المشكلة اني ما عمري سمعت عنه بشي وفي القران مافي تفصيل كثير عن ادريس عليه السلام!! فما عرفت ايش ارد عليها غير اني انبهرت وبس!

تقولي انا بيزيد ايماني بعقيدتي كل مااتعمق واقرأ كتابه ومن الفصول اللي ذهلتني في كتابه وخلتني اتاكد انه عقيدتي صح هي 46-47

Chapter 46

1There I beheld the Ancient of days, whose head was like white wool, and with him another, whose countenance resembled that of man. His countenance was full of grace, like that of one of the holy angels. Then I inquired of one of the angels, who went with me, and who showed me every secret thing, concerning this Son of man; who he was; whence he was and why he accompanied the Ancient of days.

2He answered and said to me, This is the Son of man, to whom righteousness belongs; with whom righteousness has dwelt; and who will reveal all the treasures of that which is concealed: for the Lord of spirits has chosen him; and his portion has surpassed all before the Lord of spirits in everlasting uprightness.

3This Son of man, whom you behold, shall raise up kings and the mighty from their dwelling places, and the powerful from their thrones; shall loosen the bridles of the powerful, and break in pieces the teeth of sinners.

4He shall hurl kings from their thrones and their dominions; because they will not exalt and praise him, nor humble themselves before him, by whom their kingdoms were granted to them. The countenance likewise of the mighty shall He cast down, filling them with confusion. Darkness shall be their habitation, and worms shall be their bed; nor from that their bed shall they hope to be again raised, because they exalted not the name of the Lord of spirits.

5They shall condemn the stars of heaven, shall lift up their hands against the Most High, shall tread upon and inhabit the earth, exhibiting all their acts of iniquity, even their works of iniquity. Their strength shall be in their riches, and their faith in the gods whom they have formed with their own hands. They shall deny the name of the Lord of spirits, and shall expel him from the temples, in which they assemble;

6And with him the faithful, (43) who suffer in the name of the Lord of spirits.

(43) Shall expel him…the faithful. Or, "will be driven from the houses of his congregation, and of the faithful" (Knibb, p. 132; cp. Charles, p. 131).

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Chapter 47

1In that day the prayer of the holy and the righteous, and the blood of the righteous, shall ascend from the earth into the presence of the Lord of spirits.

2In that day shall the holy ones assemble, who dwell above the heavens, and with united voice petition, supplicate, praise, laud, and bless the name of the Lord of spirits, on account of the blood of the righteous which has been shed; that the prayer of the righteous may not be intermitted before the Lord of spirits; that for them he would execute judgment; and that his patience may not endure for ever. (44)

(44) That his patience…endure for ever. Or, "(that) their patience may not have to last for ever" (Knibb, p. 133).

3At that time I beheld the Ancient of days, while he sat upon the throne of his glory, while the book of the living was opened in his presence, and while all the powers which were above the heavens stood around and before him.

4Then were the hearts of the saints full of joy, because the consummation of righteousness was arrived, the supplication of the saints heard, and the blood of the righteous appreciated by the Lord of spirits.

اعذروا خلفيتي البسيطة في الدين بس انا وضعت الموضوع عشان استفيد منكم واكيد فيه احد منكم عنده خلفية عن الموضوع؟!