Part Two: Peace and Conflicts in Islam

I. Introduction

Since the horrific and tragic events of 9-11, little has been more discussed than the violence attributed to Islam. There are people who are determined to paint terrorism and Islam with the same brush. Simplified and undifferentiated descriptions of the Islamic religion help create an image by which Islam is seen as hostile and dangerous to the Western Civilization.
While the terrorist crime of 9-11 may have been the work of some misled individuals, it was certainly not the product of orthodox Islam. Islam is a religion that preaches peace, as its very name “Islam” means: submission to the will of God, and through this submission, one becomes “Muslim” meaning: submitted to the will of God, and enter in Islam – the realm of Salaam- peace from within and peace from without. Peace with oneself and Peace with others. Salaam –Peace- is one of the Divine Names.
Islam is a religion that preaches peace, compassion and justice. The Kamikaze assault on innocent civilians stood in direct conflict with Islam’s most elementary principles, teachings and spirit.

II. Islam and Peace

Islam sets up certain principles that constitute, when followed, solid ground for the achievement of peace among various peoples of the world. These principles include the following:

1. Equality of Mankind Before God: All human beings are equal in the sight of God. Piety and God-consciousness are the criteria on which one is judged by God, as He tells us in the Quran. This equality is an important basis for mutual respect and understanding and consequently peace among individuals and communities.
2. Justice in all Circumstances: Meaningful peace cannot be achieved without justice. Injustice leads to wickedness and anarchy, as we can see today. The Islamic sense of justice demands that we should love for others what we love for ourselves and treat others as we would like to be treated. The Quran says: “O you who believe! Stand out firmly for God, as witness to fair dealing, and let not the hatred of others make you swerve to wrong and depart from justice. Be just: that is next to piety” [5:8].
3. Defense Readiness: Those who are inclined to peace become an object of attack by the wicked ones if they fail to plan for their self-defense. Islam has taken this into consideration and urged Muslims to equip themselves and to improve their capabilities in defense of peace and justice and in the wording off of oppression and injustice. Islam has however, balanced this by prohibiting aggression, hostility and wanton destruction of lives and properties.
4. Peaceful Disposition to Others: Muslims are commended to stretch the hand of friendship to others among mankind and are forbidden to open hostilities or start aggression. The way for peace should be kept open and whenever the enemy inclines toward peace, the opportunity must be seized.
5. Cooperation with Others for the Good of Mankind: Islam recognizes the need of cooperation among nations and cultures for the good of all.

These are some of the Islamic principles for the achievement of world peace. Unfortunately the Islamic world today is full of tension, basically because of the lack of almost all these points that are sometimes due to the Muslims and sometimes due to the others. But the fact is that the Muslim people are not really living according to the Islamic principles. Although, in the Islamic world, the majority of the population is Muslim, very few have governments who exist and rule according to the true Islamic principles and allow an authentic Islamic life.
The Islamist movements call for an Islamic way of life. They are repressed by governments with secular tendencies that are often backed by the West who fear Islam. Some of the Islamists, repressed, resort to “terrorism”, to express themselves. As someone said “Terrorism in the arm of the weak”.