Quote Originally Posted by *اسلامي عزي* View Post
as i mentioned the Hyksos who lived during the MK (the Middle Kingdom) does not use the term pharaoh as a title to refer to the Egyptian ruler .
here is the problelm ..!

please re-read carefully this :

The title of Pharaoh started being used for the king during the New Kingdom, specifically during the middle of the eighteenth dynasty.
And.. I stated it is not a problem for Christians, reason being as our salvation does not depend on the date of the exodus.

yes .

And Pharaoh said, "Let me kill Moses and let him call upon his Lord.
Indeed, I fear that he will change your religion or that he will
cause corruption in the land."

the holy Qura'n 40 : 26

as you know the EXODUS take place in the NK (the New Kingdom)
Here is a link which has some good information on the dating of the exodus. Personally, I would go with the Bible date... But either way a few hundred years either way won't make any difference to mankind's redemption.. God acts outside our time frame.


the term "the Pharaoh 's wife" will automatically refer to the Queen .
the holy Qura'n does not care to details because he is not a book of history or geography !
maybe you will ask me why the holy Qura'n does not mention the shoe size of the pharaho's wife !!!!???


So it's ok to make assumptions in regards to the Quran but not make similar assumptions with the Bible? Hmmm... I see. You are one of the few muslims I have heard say the Quran is not a book of history or geography... Most muslims constantly lay claims to historical and geographical facts as pointing to further proof of its divine nature. It's actually refreshing to hear a Muslim imply it's not that important. Although I disagree to some extent in regards to the importance of detail...it's the detail that give the clues as to the bigger picture.. The bigger and clearer the picture the greater degree of accuracy can be determined from proof. The Bible has a wealth of both historical and geographical proof that can be confirmed as accurate by today's archeological discoveries. This is of interest to me as a Christian but probably not so to yourself.. :)

In regards to the Pharaohs wife, Queen or whatever you would like to call her, and her footwear. She favoured sandals and her feet were size 36... That's European sizing.. ...... ...... That's a joke.. I don't really know what size shoes she had, although I'm sure someone could make a fairly accurate estimate by using archeological evidence to hand.
