Quote Originally Posted by 3abd Arahman View Post
As mentioned above, God doesn't have to neither kill his son nor make people kill his son to save us. God can simply forgive us without any work on the cross.
What christians say is that Justice must be preseved, and there must be a punishment for the sin, but they are simply neglecting the other half of the fact, justice is to punish the one who sins, it's not to kill someone else or punish him. So I don't see that justice is preserved if Jesus dies for our sins, why should someone who has no sin die for sins of others?
The Bible orders you to forgive others, so if you forgive someone without punishing him, do you think that this is not fair? If it's not fair why does your Bible order you to do it? Why doesn't the Bible order you to punish yourself to forgive others to preserve justice?
So, you are going to tell God what justice is or is not. God sets the terms and if we want the gift of salvation, we must meet God on his terms not ours. God's ways are not our ways.
So, according to what all people know, justice is to punish the one who did the mistake, it's not to kill yourself or your son because someone else did a sin.
So, don't keep on telling us that the death of Jesus Pbuh on the cross was actually the only way to fulfill God's justice and to avoid punishing us
Don't try to convince me that this is justice because there must be a punishment for a sin, you are deceiving me and deceiving yourself, justice is to punish the one who sinned not to punish someone else
Tell me, it's really strange that God killed his son to forgive us, we don't understand why did God do this and we have no logic explanation for it, but this is what we have to believe in to be christians
Actually Jesus Pbuh never said in your gospels that he will die on the cross in order to carry the punishment for the sins instead of us and this was the only way to preserve God's justice and mercy in the same time
He never said this, I challenge to show me where did Jesus say this
The logic explanation, that you won't like, is that these were explanations that were made later on by early christians like Paul, to make the people believe that Jesus Pbuh who was beleved by them to die on the cross is the Christ
The jews believed that the christ will be a victorious king who will redeem them and make them the most powerful nation
How could a man who died in vain on a cross be the Christ they are waiting for?
So such explanations had to be made, that this death was the plan of God to preserve his justice without punishing us

Quote Originally Posted by 3abd Arahman View Post
Well, Burning light I didn't get a clear answer to my question
If you kill someone or do very evil deeds, will you be punished by God for your sin and go to hell or you will just be forgiven and you won't be punished because according to your faith God made the jews and romans kill his son to forgive your sins ?
If according to your faith, you will never be punished for any sins because the son of God has been killed, then surely your religion is not a true religion because it encourages people to commit sins.
If according to your faith, you will go to hell if you kill someone or do very evil deeds, then there is no difference between christianity and islam and there was no reason for the death of Jesus on the cross according to the Bible.
Kindly give me a clear answer to the question : Will you go to hell if you kill someone or not ?
You are not understanding Christianity or the power of God. The soul that sins dies. It is written: For all have sinned and come short of the glory of God the justice for sin is death. Because of God's perfect justice you must die for your sin. You cannot do good and be forgiven for your evil deeds. If a criminal murders someone in a robbery and then does good deeds afterward, does he get off the hook for his murder? The law says he must be punished. He cannot be forgiven as if he had never committed the evil deed, and he must die.

Jesus is God's gift to us. For God so loved the world that He gave us Jesus that whoever believes on Him should be saved. Jesus satisfied the perfect justice of God with His death on the cross. He died the death we deserved. We cannot satisfy God's justice with good deeds. The monstrous deception is to believe that we could be saved by good deeds and God's justice will be satisfied. We have to meet God on His terms not ours. His terms are to believe in His son and He even said if in an audible voice documented in the Bible: "This is my beloved son in whom I am well pleased hear ye Him" Jesus said, "You will die in your sin unless you believe I am He...no comes to the father (God) except through Me" Who has deceived you to think you can get to paradise any other way?
Again, you are just avoiding to answer my question.
If you kill someone or do very bad deeds and you don't repent before your death, will you be punished for your sins or you will be forgiven because Jesus died for you?
I just want a clear answer, either (Yes,I will be punished) or (No, I won't be punished because Jesus died for me)
If your answer is the first, then there is no difference between Christianity and Islam, if you do major sins you will be punished
If it's second, then your religion is surely wrong because it encourages you to do bad deeds
I wonder if all the Christians in the US where you live, who have sexual relationships with their girl friends, believe that they won't be punished and will be forgiven because God killed his son so that they can commit major sins without being punished
Give me a clear answer

Also, if Jesus died so you don't die as a punishment for your sins, why do all christians die till today and will continue to die ?