Oracle Press Release
Oracle Announces Oracle Enterprise Taxation and Policy Management

Redwood Shores, Calif. – July 8, 2010
News Facts

To streamline the management of complex legislative policy rules, Oracle has announced the availability of Oracle Enterprise Taxation and Policy Management which combines the benefits of Oracle Enterprise Taxation Management and Oracle Policy Automation.
Oracle Enterprise Taxation and Policy Management can:
Help public sector authorities reduce the time and cost to modify systems when legislative policies change.
Provide detailed analysis of proposed policy changes and potential revenue impact.
Enhance the ability to navigate risk-scoring rules to assess tax declarations for further investigation to help improve audit selection capabilities and target success rates.
Provide authorized business users with access to amend policy rules in the core administration system directly without lengthy IT development cycles.
Supporting Quotes

“Capgemini applauds Oracle for enhancing Oracle Enterprise Taxation Management with the capabilities of Oracle Policy Automation. Several of Capgemini’s clients have saved significant costs and time and recognized new business benefits using Oracle Policy Automation. The combination allows public sector authorities to capture, maintain and embed new tax rules into core processing with a simple tool that helps reduce the costs of programming or scripting,” said Ian Pretty, vice president, tax and welfare lead, Global Public Sector, Capgemini.
“In an ever-evolving industry, public sector authorities require great flexibility to help manage the impact of policy changes. Oracle Enterprise Taxation and Policy Management can help our customers save time and costs associated with incorporating new legislative rules into their administrative systems,” said Stephan Scholl, senior vice president and general manager, Oracle Tax and Utilities Global Business Unit.

Supporting Resources

Oracle Enterprise Taxation Management
Oracle Enterprise Taxation and Policy Management Data Sheet
About Oracle

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Contact Info

Caroline Yu Vespi

Janice Hazen
O'Keeffe and Company
