Quote Originally Posted by pandora View Post
lol... For a moment you made me think.. What is this? By all your links... I thought you were maybe on to something. Then I realised that none of the links you have gleaned your opinion have anything to do with what the Bible has to say on the matter of Jesus' birth and His naming. They are men's opinions.. Which seem to be from a catholic perspective.... Don't get me wrong here I do not castigate my catholic brothers and sisters here.. But I do not see that their position on Mary is upheld by Biblical scripture. That for me is the main thing.. So any Christians that do refer to Jesus as Son of Mary.. (And in all my life I have never met one.. And I do have Catholics among my circle of friends but even they have never used this term.) then they will answer for that the same as yourselves at the judgement.

I can't in good conscious reply to you article on "God had sex with Mary"... It is blasphemy, on those who wrote the article and yourself for propagating it. If you had any decency you would remove it. Brigham Young was NOT a Christian... And what he spouts is not Biblical Christianity. If you wish to continue dialogue with me on biblical matters.. Please check your sources before you post them as an opinion of Christians.

thats your belief.. One I don't share. We can agree to differ on this point.

Again this is your belief.. Certainly the Gospels or Injil was never a book.. Jesus was the Gospel.. Jesus was the Word and the message.. Never the messenger. As for false beliefs you again have no proof of the previous scriptures being false in regards to the message God intended to reveal. The Quran brings a different message... Which conflicts on many key points with the previous scriptures.

If God forgave sin just because He could.. In an arbitrary nature as the Quran claims then it goes against Gods divine nature of being just. A sin is a sin.. God has decreed that there is a penalty to pay for sin... Someone has to pay it? God can forgive you... Doesn't mean you don't have to pay the penalty.. Jesus paid that penalty for us. Because God in His divine wisdom knows us better than we know ourselves.. Thus knows we can never pay the price ourselves. Without a redeemer you have to pay that penalty yourself... God makes the rules.. Sin has a consequence.. For us, for the world and for God. If you believe otherwise.. Then my friend.. You've been slipped a custard!

if you don't believe it then YOU should not have said it. The Bible never says Jesus was a thief! Stop telling lies and twisting words to say what you want them too. Allow the words to speak for themselves. You would do well to read what Jesus said in the Gospels.. His teachings. Because if you did you would never dream of uttering such calumnies against His person.

The supposed Allah allowed muslims to keep the booty pillaged from caravans!!!! Think about your accusations. What are you saying!!!!!

according to your belief...

as well as asking Allah to bring them back to Islam, you may consider what you can do yourself to facilitate this. God likes actions over words.

Christianity is also against extremism and the killing of innocent people.. As well as the guilty who where ever we can we should forgive and help to rehabilitate to society and back to Gods love.

thank you. Peace be with you also.

First of all you said that any christian who calls jesus the son of mary then he has to answer to god in judgement day !!!! This means that the writers of the gospels have a lot to answer to :

as brother اسلامي عزي stated :

Is not this the carpenter, the
son of Mary
the brother of James, and Joses, and of Juda, and Simon? and are not his sisters here with us? And they were offended at him.

Mark 6:3

Second the message of the Quran (which god can forgive the sin of the people if they repent) and that no one carries the sin of others is the message of the prophets :

1. No one carries the sin of others :

20 The person who sins is the one who will die. A son will not suffer for his father’s iniquity, and a father will not suffer for his son’s iniquity; the righteous person will be judged according to his righteousness, and the wicked person according to his wickedness.

Ezekiel 18 :20

2. God can forgive the sin of others if they repent :

10 When God saw their actions—they turned from their evil way of living!—God relented concerning the judgment he had threatened them with and he did not destroy them.

Jonah 3:10

I incourage you to read your book more

peace be with you