Quote Originally Posted by شمائل View Post
Is the word Christ, the Son of Mary insult him?
Yes.. The only people who referred to Jesus as Son of Mary in the Bible were His enemies. It was a title used to hurt, dishonour and question Jesus' legitimacy. What other prophet or indeed any notable man is referred to as son of his mother?.. Polite society always state son of his father... Never son of his mother. Now I hope you understand why Christians see this as an insult towards Lord Jesus to see Him named thus..

For me this is another problem I have with the Quran, because God who is omniscient would know by what means this title given to Jesus by His enemies and what was in their hearts when they said such things. If it was surely known that it was used in a derogatory way.. Why would God allow it to be used for Jesus? God who referred to Jesus as HIS Beloved Son.. In the Bible would allow this insult to propagate?. Even if Jesus was not who He said He was and was just simply a prophet ... Even a prophet would not be shown such disrespect and named such. It is something that I cannot see God would allow, but it seems very possible that your prophet Mohammed could have heard this term from Jews who did not respect Jesus and mistakingly thought it was the proper form of address. I expect you have a different explanation. But I hope you can see why I see it as an insult to Christ Jesus.
