The Seven Secrets of Churches!!!!!!!!!.
1- Jesus (peace be upon him) completed all his mission that God (praise be to him) sent him for… and all deeds that God ordered him to do saying :
" : JOH-18-20 : Jesus answered him, I spake openly to the world; I ever taught in the synagogue, and in the temple, whither the Jews always resort; and in secret have I said nothing . He also said :
John 17/4 I have glorified thee on the earth: I have finished the work which thou gavest me to do.
Jesus was sent from The Almighty God with a limited mission. It is the mission of all prophets and messengers of God .He said :
LUK-4-43: And he said unto them, I must preach the kingdom of God to other cities also: for therefore am I sent. He was not sent to die on the cross as you claim . From where did you come with this saying .Jesus informed you that there is no hidden instructions .He did all things that God (pbth) told him to do.
2- Did not Jesus and his disciples warn you from false prophets and false Christs that will guide you to perdition saying :
Matt 24/24 For there shall arise false Christs, and false prophets, and shall shew great signs and wonders; insomuch that, if it were possible, they shall deceive the very elect. see also : Matt 7/15- 24/11- Mark 13/22-Luk 6/26- Peter2 2/1 –Juhn1 4/1.

3- Although all these clear explicit statements of Jesus and his disciples . The Churches invented seven phrases and claimed that they are the secrets of Churches.They wanted to tie people with churches in chains of iron for worldly purposes. They wanted to eat people's wealth unjustly, to live in supreme life and drive the modernest and the most expensive cars from the blood and the flesh of Christians. They guide them to hellfire for the sake of a few Dollars . They do not know that they will bear their burdens and their sins and the burdens and sins of all people who they push them to astray.They drive them to misguidance and disbelief and invite them to worship a man like me and you ,eats food as we eat, drinks as we drink and sleeps as we sleep and dies as all people die. They push them to hellfire .Great Jesus is completely innocent of all these deeds and will disown them over the heads of all people in the day of resurrection .The seven secrets that they claimed are:
4- The seven secrets of the Church are :
The secret of Baptism
The secret of the Holy Chrism:
The secret of Confession:
The secret of the Holy Communion:
The secret of Marriage:
The secret of Priesthood:
The secret of anointing the sick:
-- If we have a look at them we will see wonders not unthinkable. For example in Baptism a man and a woman , a girl and and a boy must Free themselves naked according to the ideas of the men of Churches.What faith is that ? What are the feeling of the repectable women and men !!!! I do not know what any demon or any licentious invented that. How can a priest put his hands on the woman's body in 36 parts Pretext that he closes ports Satan with the Holy Chrism . How can a man deliver his wife or his sister or his mother to church and he knows that she will free herself naked. What religion is that specially that the scandals of priests are spread everywhere on the internet image and voice. The immorality arrived to the event to baptise the embryos in the womb. What is that impurity and immorality in the houses of worship . Is that satisfy God !!!!!!
-- Also in confession . How can a human confess to the priest and he himself has many sins and all Christians know what happens from the priest during that . The speech is much in these issues. What about eating the body of your God and drinking his blood . Is Christianity based on myths. When do you come back to your mind ???