The best advice I was given:
The first thing the shaykh said to me after taking my shahada was a congratulations on becoming Muslim. He then said “it is your responsibility to learn about the faith and then apply the knowledge.” One of my favorite hadiths is “The seeking of knowledge is obligatory for every Muslim.” (Al-Tirmidhi, Hadith 74). As a teacher and on-going student, I have a love of learning that has only grown stronger since accepting Islam.
The shaykh continued on to say, “Go slow. Think of it like a ladder. Don’t climb too fast because if you do, you may fall and find it difficult to get back up.” That was the best advice I received and is my go-to story and advice for every new Muslim I meet. I take this advice with me on a daily basis and have faith that as long as I am truly working to better myself, my character and my ibadaah (worship) Allah will make the path easy for me and help prevent me from falling too hard, inshAllah.
New Faith, New Vocabulary:
Sister Nye and I did a short YouTube video on common Islamic sayings that one may hear quite often or use in everyday conversations. I constantly “catch” myself at work, wanting to greet someone with Salaam Alaikum or saying InshAllah when speaking about something that may happen in the future.