Terrorism, Fanaticism

And Violence

It is strange that some prominent politicians and opinion leaders do not differentiate between “terrorism” and “violence” and between oppressive terrorism and defensive terrorism. Neither do they consider fanaticism as a relative matter.
In fact, there is a clear distinction between violence and terrorism. Violence is confined to using physical violent means such as beating, physical torture and using weapons etc. to express a feeling, an opinion or to achieve a special or a public goal. Terrorism, on the other hand, includes physical and non-physical means. It includes verbal abuse and non-verbal threats, enforcing economic siege, voting against, or using the veto against, the resolutions that condemn or punish the aggressor in the General Assembly of the UN and in the Security Council. Terrorism can take the form of oppressive press campaigns that propagate hatred and disdain against a group or a nation. Terror may not kill instantly, but it may kill in the long run, after a long suffering of hunger and pain.
We also have to recognize that terror in itself is not pure evil or goodness. It is a means, which is not designated to evil or goodness. It can be used to defend the truth, to defeat an oppressor or defend a victim. It can also be used to cause injustice to the innocent, to rob people of their properties and money, deprive them of their rights and occupy their lands.
In other words, we can distinguish between two kinds of terrorism: oppressive terrorism, and defensive terrorism. However, offensive terrorism is uncontrolled, but defensive terrorism is usually controlled by the natural disposition of man or by laws.
It is known to the followers of the religions of Divine origin, and perhaps to the others, that this life is a test to distinguish between the good person who deserves rewards in the Eternal Life and the bad person who deserves punishment in the Eternal Life. So, the battle between evil and goodness is one of the means of this test. Allah says: {For, had it not been that Allah checks one group of people by means of another, monasteries, churches, synagogues, and mosques, where in the name of Allah is praised often would surely have been demolished}([1])
Terror can occur unintentionally, and might occur even against the intention of the one who causes it. But if this person does not stop the cause of terror after being reminded, then it is considered an intentional act.
Because Islam invites to comprehensive peace in this life and the Hereafter, it condemns using terror to cause injustice to any person and assigns an appropriate punishment for it, but after making sure that it has been unjustly used as a means of aggression.
However, Islam considers it a necessary means to remove aggression and to help the helpless innocent people. This is what Muslims call “Jihad” or “fighting in the cause of Allah.” Allah says: {Permission to fight is given to those who are oppressed…}([2]) and says: {And what stops you from fighting in the cause of Allah and for those week, ill-treated and oppressed among men, women and children.}([3]) Allah also says in a Divine tradition: {O my servants I have forbidden injustice to Myself and I have forbidden it among you.}([4])
In other words, “Jihad” in Islam is not an oppressive act but a legal defensive act, which is approved by all laws, including those of the “democratic countries’ and others. It is the legal justification for building strong armies and developing highly destructive weapons.
In general, those who use terror could be classified into these categories:
1. A person who uses it for aggression, regardless of whether he believes in the Eternal Life or not. And by so doing, he violates the natural disposition, the man made law and the Divine teachings, including the Islamic teachings.
2. A person who uses it to defend his own life, dignity and properties or to defend the innocent who are oppressed, even though he may not believe in the Eternal Life. This person is usually motivated by the natural disposition.
3. A person who uses it to defend his own life, dignity and properties or to defend the innocent who are oppressed, and he believes in the Eternal Life. This person is usually motivated by both the natural disposition and the Divine teachings, which promise a great reward for so doing.
The last category is the most courageous and fiercest of all, because it considers this life as a means, not as a goal by itself. Perhaps, this is one of the reasons behind suicidal operations carried out by the oppressed Palestinians.
Generally speaking, Muslim scholars’ opinion about these operations is divided between two legal opinions:
1. Those who approve it and encourage it as long as it is a legal defensive operation. In their opinion, all soldiers in all types of systems are required to do their best in a defensive situation even though they may have to sacrifice their own lives.
2. Those who prohibit that because they consider this a kind of intentional suicide, which is forbidden in Islam even for a legal cause. Although this differs from the personal causes i.e. to take one’s life in his hand out of despair of life, which is absolutely forbidden.
In all cases Islam forbids killing the innocent, the aged, women and children unless they actually engage in aggressive terrorism.
It is a common fact among the adherents of religions of Divine origin that this life is a test to distinguish between the good who deserve rewards and the bad who deserve punishment, especially in the Eternal Life. Thus the struggle between the followers of the truth and the followers of falsehood, and the between the supporters of justice and the supporters of injustice is vital. Allah says in the Holy Quraan: {Did not Allah check one set of people by means of another there would be surely have been pulled down monasteries, churches, synagogues and mosques, in which the name of Allah is commemorated in abundance measure.}([5])
Terrorism sometimes occurs unintentionally or even against the will of the person who causes it. But if he is reminded of what he is doing and persists in doing it, he is considered an aggressor, and so is the one who knowingly helps him.
Because Islam invites to a comprehensive peace in this world and in the Hereafter, or the limited peace in this world only, it forbids utilizing terrorism to cause injustice to the others.

([1] ) Holy Quraan, 22: 40.

([2] ) Holy Quraan, 22: 39-40.

([3] ) Holy Quraan, 4: 75.

([4] ) Muslim: al-Bir was Silah; A divine tradition is a tradition which meaning
from God but wording is of the Prophet.

([5] ) surah 22: 40.