السلام عليكم ورحمة الله .
اتمنى احد يساعدني في الترجمه الصحيحه وفي اسرع وقت لو تكرمتو ولكم جزيل الشكر والتقدير.

What is the relationship between modern mathematics and the terms of
reference and practice concepts and theories problems that make them useful in a meaningful way?
Type this question essential to choose the different attitudes of teachers, as far as the definition of concepts involving custom settings and under the circle of knowledge of theories and analysis of the tasks and behavior, especially when novelist analysis. Is also viewed as a theoretical type of question that leads us to a historic achievement when we try to scientifically access the social conditions that led to the emergence of mathematics.
Teaching obstacles in the past was to meet with mathematics to help us to avoid the mistakes of the students, on the other hand, the students study the mistakes and difficulties and misconceptions burden light at the lack of understanding of the history of mathematics (, Serbnseca 1985). Even if a problem faced by students vary with the problems that scientists interface during the study of history, and this is an essential thing for psychology to teach mathematics in order to address the relationship between knowledge and problem.
In many psychological studies to teach math, the researchers take them a grant for students to study a subject such as this, at the same level with the same way and without any questions, takes place within the framework of these choices. Vahdha not like the usual questions because the truth that must be added is a bilateral process that appears not to know the numbers directly in the primary or not to give an overview of the use of algebra, only the natural numbers. It is considered one of the errors include added meaning and direct numbers and algebra.
Theories include not only the basics of math and science Kmenaakech potential to reduce the arithmetic logic
(Karnb, Gödel, Russell) or axiom (Broor, Haitnj) filed motions, that need a lot of theories floors of the mathematics building every time we need to clarify the relationship between knowledge of math problems.
For example, the concept of size is made of various settings and different relationships to the concepts of mathematics different, it is the age of 6-7 gives them a comparison, or a comparison between sizes or spaces, and the relationship of the ratio length and area and volume are not codified when the majority aged 15 to 16 years .