السلام عليكم ..

أتمنى ان تردو على هذه الرساله من انسان لا يؤمن بالله .. لهذه الاسباب .. واسأل الله له الهداية

I see. Do you believe in a god that's actively involved in our lives? That is always present, that cares about us and loves us?


That is true. But there are also many that are "unconverting" and becoming atheist, like me. My problem isn't necessarily with science and God- there are issues but I can see where they can reconcile. My problem is with the fact that is an involved god and that he cares about us. I feel that if there is a god, it doesn't care about us. It exists outside our world keeping the laws of the universe in place

, I meant that god exists outside us and he keeps our laws in order

أتمنى ردا وافيا باللغه الانجليزية وبارك الله فيكم