السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته

هذه ترجمة لموضوع الأخت عبورهـ جزاها الله خيراً ..


Six Questions to the Christians , Can anyone answer ?

Peace onto you

Since most of the Christians know very well that there is not any verse in the Bible says Jesus is a God
Or even he has said : “ I’m the God , worship me ! “
he even hasn’t told his pupils or enemies about that .

There is no objection about the said before

No verse says that Jesus is God

So , who is this very smart person who could discover that the Christ is God or he said he is a God ??

And how did he discover that ?? and built the Christian belief on “ Jesus is a God “ ?


The second question ..

Christians say the Christ came to save the world from Adam’s sin while there is no verse proves the Christ said he came to save the world from Adam’s sin ..
But he said :

“you shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free"
John 8:31

Who is this one who could know that he came to free the world from Adam’s sin although the Christ DID NOT say that ?!!!!

He didn’t talk about the origin sin at all !!!
Isn’t UNFAIR that God makes his only son free the people from Adam’s sin ?!! Why not Adam since he is the sinner ?!!

Does that mean ALL the prophets who came before Jesus are in Hellfire ??
