Quote Originally Posted by أمة الله الأندلسية View Post
2nd In Turkey there have been many woman who have what they
call "Mercy Killing" something else that is true, the women in Turkey today are killing themselevs rather stay a muslim or married to a muslim man. They r speaking more and more how badly they r treated, and would rather die than go into islam.
Is it fair?!!!

How do you judge a religion?
Is it through its teachings, methods and accuracy or through some people who do not apply it?!!!!

So, it's not fair to judge Islam through the deeds of some people who are too far from the Islamic teachings; misuse women and treat them severly!!!!

Just Read Carefully a few rules of how a wife must be treated in Islam

1- She must be treated kindly and decently

* The Prophet, so often, said
*"Treat women kindly."

* "The best of you is the best one who treats his wife, and I am the best for my wife."

* " Fear God in women, Do not oppress them"

2- Wifes are Financially independents

Allah has said in the Holy Quran

4|32|And covet not the thing in which Allah hath made some of you excel others. Unto men a fortune from that which they have earned, and unto women a fortune from that which they have earned. (Envy not one another) but ask Allah of His bounty. Lo! Allah is ever Knower of all things.

4|19|O ye who believe! It is not lawful for you forcibly to inherit the women (of your deceased kinsmen), nor (that) ye should put constraint upon them that ye may take away a part of that which ye have given them, unless they be guilty of flagrant lewdness. But consort with them in kindness, for if ye hate them it may happen that ye hate a thing wherein Allah hath placed much good.

4|4|And give unto the women, (whom ye marry) free gift of their marriage portions; but if they of their own accord remit unto you a part thereof, then ye are welcome to absorb it (in your wealth).

3- Wives have the right to ask for divorce

If a woman hates her husband and sees it's difficult to live with him, she has the right to ask for divorce

The sources of Islam are (Quran and Sunnah, the Prophey's speech)
Not some people in any country !!!!!

You judged Islam through some Turkish People!!!
Have they dealt with their wives in the way Islam taught us?!!!
Ask yourself and be honest ....

So, what a bout those Mslims who treat their wives in a bad way?
Simply speaking, they are disobedients, and he must conciliate his wife first; and ask God to forgive him second.

So, what can wives do if they are severly treated?
If all common solutions fail to change him, she can ask for divorce.

I think it's clearly shown how should women be treated in Islam, Could you tell me the way that a wife should be treated in Christianity?

Don't forget the evidence

to be continued