To put it in a nutshell,

Christians believe in Jesus as GOD Almighty, yet, he never claimed to be GOD. There is absolutely no concrete base for Trinity. Just because Jesus was called "Son of God" and "God", even though he never said he was "God", it doesn't make him GOD. David was called GOD's BEGOTTEN Son in Psalm 2:7, and Satan was called "God (same word used for Jesus in Greek)" in 2 Corinthians 4:4. Israel was called GOD's first born Son in Exodus 4:22. There are many other examples for GOD's Sons in the Bible.
All what Christians have are conclusions. Conclusions come from theories. Theories are always venerable for disproof.
Have Jesus said
"I am your LORD worship me" as GOD said in the Old Testament, then we would have a solid concrete ground. But as far as I am concerned, Trinity is very weak and bogus! with all respect due to Trinitarian Christians. Non of GOD's religions (including the New Testament) taught Trinity.

The word "Trinity" doesn't even exist in the Bible!.
Trinity is a false interpretation that was caused by the unfortunate exaggerating and misleading "Godly" name that was given to Jesus and to others in the Old Jewish Culture.

The only unique title that GOD Almighty had in the Bible that non was ever called (including Jesus) was "Yahweh" or "Jehovah".
Bring me one Bible Verse that directly referred to Jesus as "Yahweh" or "Jehovah" and then I'll consider Trinity to be a valid belief in the Bible.

With my regards