Benzo my friend, السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته

If I understand properly you're saying that (i) The Bible cannot be trusted, (ii) Christianity springs from paganism. In response I say that the link you provided does not say that the Bible was corrupted. It rather speaks of the history of a good part of the Bible and how it was kept throughout the centuries. I also add that God would not let His Word be corrupted. God is greater than man and His plans never fails. His Word cannot be altered in any way. That's partly why I know that the Bible is the Word of God. (ii) The link you provided is not to be trusted ( Here's a little copy and paste of the note written at the top of the web page:

Note: the scholarship of Kersey Graves has been questioned by numerous theists and nontheists alike; the inclusion of his The World's Sixteen Crucified Saviors in the Secular Web's Historical Library does not constitute endorsement by Internet Infidels, Inc. This document was included for historical purposes; readers should be extremely cautious in trusting anything in this book.

You say you won't trust sources that are not trustworthy, me neither. This website you gave me, is not a trustworthy source.

Galatians 13:3 - Yes, Jesus became a curse for me. My God became a curse on my behalf. Benzo, don't you believe that God can do all things? Don't you believe that God is just? Don't you believe that God is love? God must punish sin. Human beings sin. I sin. You sin. Everyday. No matter the good we do, sin still needs to be punished. The only possibilities for us are these: God sends us to hell because we are sinners from the heart, or if we NEVER committed a sin, we can enter His paradise. But we're sinner and no one is perfect. So the only option is for us to go to hell. BUT God loves us. So the only possibility for us to go to heaven, is that a perfect human being be punished for all the sins of the world so that God's justice be satisfied. No human being can be perfect, only God is. So what's the option now? Only a being who would be 100% God and 100% man who would die and bear the penalty of our sins could save us from hell and allow us into God's presence. That's why God came on earth and was born like any other human being, God became flesh, He died on the cross and bore my sins. Without God in the form of a human being dying and raising from the dead, there is no hope for you, no hope for me to enter paradise, no hope at all. So yes, God became a curse, because there was no other way to satisfy His justice and His love. What an amazing God! He loved us so much that He lowered Himself and died for us and rose from the dead and will call each individual into judgement!

I won't write more Benzo. All that I know is that all the religions of the world will tell us that you go to paradise based on the good you do, the good deeds, your good works. But that's belittling God. We think that we are righteous enough and good enough to do enough good things t enter paradise?! We fool ourselves and we spit on God. There is no righteousness acceptable in us as long as we are not made right with God and we are made right only by believing that we are not capable to be righteous by our own deeds, when we believe that Jesus is the Son of God who died for our sins and rose from the dead, when we believe that Jesus paid the condemnation for our sins and place our trust in Him, not in us, that we are forgiven by God because of Jesus' sacrifice. Then we are forgiven and clean and only then can we serve God and please Him. We cannot save ourselves Benzo.

You seem quite satisfied with your religion. I am more than rejoicing in my salvation though Jesus Christ, the Son of God, I know I am totally clean before God, forgiven of all my sins. I don't need anything else than Jesus Christ. So if you are satisfied with Islam and believe you have the truth, I am not going to ask you to continue this conversation. There is no point in arguing here. You never wanted to know more about Jesus and all I wanted to do is share this amazing Jesus with you. But you don't want to hear about the Jesus that the Word of God presents to us.

I do pray for you,
Your friend, Gabrielle