First I will summarize the references by Rev. Pranaitis referring to Jesus in the Talmud in the original texts translated by him into Latin, and from Latin into English:

Sanhedrin, 67a -- Jesus referred to as the son of Pandira, a soldier

Kallah, 1b. (18b) -- Illegitimate and conceived during menstruation.

Sanhedrin, 67a -- Hanged on the eve of Passover. Toldath Jeschu. Birth related in most shameful expressions

Abhodah Zarah II -- Referred to as the son of Pandira, a Roman soldier.

Schabbath XIV. Again referred to as the son of Pandira, the Roman.

Sanhedrin, 43a -- On the eve of Passover they hanged Jesus.

Schabbath, 104b -- Called a fool and no one pays attention to fools.

Toldoth Jeschu. Judas and Jesus engaged in quarrel with filth.

Sanhedrin, 103a. -- Suggested corrupts his morals and dishonors self.

Sanhedrin, 107b. -- Seduced, corrupted and destroyed Israel.

Zohar III, (282) -- Died like a beast and buried in animal's dirt heap.

Hilkoth Melakhim -- Attempted to prove Christians err in worship of Jesus

Abhodah Zarah, 21a -- Reference to worship of Jesus in homes unwanted.

Orach Chaiim, 113 -- Avoid appearance of paying respect to Jesus.

Iore dea, 150,2 -- Do not appear to pay respect to Jesus by accident.

Abhodah Zarah (6a) -- False teachings to worship on first day of Sabbath

what the Talmud says about the religious worship of Christians:

Hilkhoth Maakhaloth -- Christians are idolators, must not associate.

Abhodah Zarah (22a) -- Do not associate with gentiles, they shed blood.

Iore Dea (153, 2). -- Must not associate with Christians, shed blood.

Abhodah Zarah (25b). -- Beware of Christians when walking abroad with them.

Orach Chaiim (20, 2). -- Christians disguise themselves to kill Jews.

Abhodah Zarah (15b) -- Suggest Christians have sex relations with animals.

Abhodah Zarah (22a) -- Suspect Christians of intercourse with animals.

Schabbath (145b) -- Christians unclean because they eat accordingly

Abhodah Zarah (22b) -- Christians unclean because they not at Mount Sinai.

Iore Dea (198, 48). -- Clean female Jews contaminated meeting Christians.

Kerithuth (6b p. 78) -- Jews called men, Christians not called men.

Makkoth (7b) -- Innocent of murder if intent was to kill Christian.

Orach Chaiim(225, 10) -- Christians and animals grouped for comparisons.

Midrasch Talpioth 225 -- Christians created to minister to Jews always.

Orach Chaiim 57, 6a -- Christians to be pitied more than sick pigs.

Zohar II (64b) -- Christian idolators likened to cows and asses.

Kethuboth (110b). -- Psalmist compares Christians to unclean beasts.

Sanhedrin (74b). Tos. -- Sexual intercourse of Christian like that of beast.

Kethuboth (3b) -- The seed of Christian is valued as seed of beast.

Kidduschim (68a) -- Christians like the people of an ass.

Eben Haezar (44,8) -- Marriages between Christian and Jews null.

Zohar (II, 64b) -- Christian birth rate must be diminished materially.

Zohar (I, 28b) -- Christian idolators children of Eve's serpent.

Zohar (I, 131a) -- Idolatrous people (Christians) befoul the world.

Emek Haschanach(17a) -- Non-Jews' souls come from death and death's shadow.

Zohar (I, 46b, 47a) -- Souls of gentiles have unclean divine origins.

Rosch Haschanach(17a) -- Non-Jews souls go down to hell.

Iore Dea (337, 1). -- Replace dead Christians like lost cow or ass.

Iebhammoth (61a) -- Jews called men, but not Christians called men.

Abhodah Zarah (14b) T -- Forbidden to sell religious works to Christians

Abhodah Zarah (78) -- Christian churches are places of idolatry.

Iore Dea (142, 10) -- Must keep far away physically from churches.

Iore Dea (142, 15) -- Must not listen to church music or look at idols

Iore Dea (143, 1) -- Must not rebuild homes destroyed near churches.

Hilkoth Abh. Zar (10b) -- Jews must not resell broken chalices to Christians.

Chullin (91b) -- Jews possess dignity even an angel cannot share.

Sanhedrin, 58b -- To strike Israelite like slapping face of God.

Chagigah, 15b -- A Jew considered good in spite of sins he commits.

Gittin (62a) -- Jew stay away from Christian homes on holidays.

Choschen Ham. (26,1) -- Jew must not sue before a Christian judge or laws.

Choschen Ham (34,19) -- Christian or servant cannot become witnesses.

Iore Dea (112, 1). -- Avoid eating with Christians, breeds familiarity.

Abhodah Zarah (35b) -- Do not drink milk from a cow milked by Christian.

Iore dea (178, 1) -- Never imitate customs of Christians, even hair-comb.

Abhodah Zarah (72b) -- Wine touched by Christians must be thrown away.

Iore Dea (120, 1) -- Bought-dishes from Christians must be thrown away.

Abhodah Zarah (2a) -- For three days before Christian festivals, avoid all.

Abhodah Zarah (78c) -- Festivals of followers of Jesus regarded as idolatry.

Iore Dea (139, 1) -- Avoid things used by Christians in their worship.

Abhodah Zarah (14b) -- Forbidden to sell Christians articles for worship.

Iore Dea (151,1) H. -- Do not sell water to Christians articles for baptisms.

Abhodah Zarah (2a, 1) -- Do not trade with Christians on their feast days.

Abhodah Zarah (1,2) -- Now permitted to trade with Christians on such days.

Abhodah Zarah (2aT) -- Trade with Christians because they have money to pay.

Iore Dea (148, 5) -- If Christian is not devout, may send him gifts.

Hilkoth Akum (IX,2) -- Send gifts to Christians only if they are irreligious.

Iore Dea (81,7 Ha) -- Christian wet-nurses to be avoided because dangerous.

Iore Dea (153, 1 H) -- Christian nurse will lead children to heresy.

Iore Dea (155,1). -- Avoid Christian doctors not well known to neighbors.

Peaschim (25a) -- Avoid medical help from idolators, Christians meant.

Iore Dea (156,1) -- Avoid Christian barbers unless escorted by Jews.

Abhodah Zarah (26a). -- Avoid Christian midwives as dangerous when alone.

Zohar (1,25b) -- Those who do good to Christians never rise when dead.

Hilkoth Akum (X,6) -- Help needy Christians if it will promote peace.

Iore Dea (148, 12H) -- Hide hatred for Christians at their celebrations.

Abhodah Zarah (20a) -- Never praise Christians lest it be believed true.

Iore Dea (151,14) -- Not allowed to praise Christians to add to glory.

Hilkoth Akum (V, 12) -- Quote Scriptures to forbid mention of Christian god.

Iore Dea (146, 15) -- Refer to Christian religious articles with contempt.

Iore Dea (147,5) -- Deride Christian religious articles without wishes.

Hilkoth Akum (X,5) -- No gifts to Christians, gifts to converts.

Iore Dea (151,11) -- Gifts forbidden to Christians, encourages friendship.

Iore Dea (335,43) -- Exile for that Jew who sells farm to Christian.

Iore Dea (154,2) -- Forbidden to teach a trade to a Christian

Babha Bathra (54b) -- Christian property belongs to first person claiming.

Choschen Ham(183,7) -- Keep what Christian overpays in error.

Choschen Ham(226,1) -- Jew may keep lost property of Christian found by Jew.

Babha Kama (113b) -- It is permitted to deceive Christians.

Choschen Ham(183,7) -- Jews must divide what they overcharge Christians.

Choschen Ham(156,5) -- Jews must not take Christian customers from Jews.

Iore Dea (157,2) H -- May deceive Christians that believe Christian tenets.

Abhodah Zarah (54a) --Usury may be practiced upon Christians or apostates.

Iore Dea (159,1) -- Usury permitted now for any reason to Christians.

Babha Kama (113a) -- Jew may lie and perjure to condemn a Christian.

Babha Kama (113b) -- Name of God not profaned when lying to Christians.

Kallah (1b, p.18) -- Jew may perjure himself with a clear conscience.

Schabbouth Hag. (6d). -- Jews may swear falsely by use of subterfuge wording.

Zohar (1,160a). -- Jews must always try to deceive Christians.

Iore Dea (158,1) -- Do not cure Christians unless it makes enemies.

Orach Cahiim (330,2) -- Do not assist Christian's childbirth on Saturday.

Choschen Ham.(425,5) -- Unless believes in Torah do not prevent his death.

Iore Dea (158,1) -- Christians not enemies must not be saved either.

Hilkkoth Akum (X,1) -- Do not save Christians in danger of death.

Choschen Ham(386,10) -- A spy may be killed even before he confesses.

Abhodah Zorah (26b) -- Apostates to be thrown into well, not rescued.

Choschen Ham(388,15) -- Kill those who give Israelites' money to Christians

Sanhedrin (59a) -- Prying into Jews' "Law" to get death penalty

Hilkhoth Akum(X,2) -- Baptized Jews are to be put to death

Iore Dea(158,2)Hag. -- Kill renegades who turn to Christian rituals.

Choschen Ham(425,5) -- Those who do not believe in Torah are to be killed.

Hilkhoth tesch.III,8 -- Christians and others deny the "Law" of the Torah.

Zohar (I,25a) -- Christians are to be destroyed as idolators.

Zohar (II,19a) -- Captivity of Jews end when Christian princes die.

Zohar (I,219b) -- Princes of Christians are idolators, must die.

Obadiam -- When Rome is destroyed, Israel will be redeemed.

Abhodah Zarah(26b) T. -- "Even the best of the Goim should be killed."

Sepher Or Israel 177b -- If Jew kills Christian commits no sin.

Ialkut Simoni (245c) -- Shedding blood of impious offers sacrifice to God.

Zohar (II, 43a) -- Extermination of Christians necessary sacrifice.

Zohar (L,28b,39a) -- High place in heaven for those who kill idolators.

Hilkhoth Akum(X,1) -- Make no agreements and show no mercy to Christians

Hilkhoth Akum (X,1) -- Either turn them away from their idols or kill.

Hilkhoth Akum (X,7) -- Allow no idolators to remain where Jews are strong.

Choschen Ham(388,16) -- All contribute to expense of killing traitor.

Pesachim (49b) -- No need of prayers while beheading on Sabbath.

