Quote Originally Posted by Burninglight View Post
I have made no slanderous accusation against you personally, I have given answers to your questions and some are not getting posted. The moderators may feel you need this advantage or they are looking for the best way to respond. If they have no answer, it could be they don't post it to help you make and keep your point. It is obvious that we Christians are being treated as second class citizens here. Like Jesus said, "If you do this in a green tree; what would you do in a dry one?" Sharia law would be the dry tree. I shutter to think how Christians and Jews would be treated in Sharia. I'll say this, you strike me as a moderate Muslim, but if you think radical Islam is going let you be moderate, you have another thing coming. You will be lump in with the Jews and Christians receiving a one way ticket back to the 7th century. I am doing all I can to see to it we don't get those tickets.

You did accuse me of lying when it came to the actual translation of a third of three

You did not answer my questions rather diverted to another topic

However as for sharia law : are you making your statements based on reading history of how jews and christians were treated honorably during the rashidun , ummayad and Abbasid caliphate or based on what certain misinformed so called muslims in Iraq are doing ????

Because if it is the second then I can simply judge a christian rule based on the crusades , the inquesitions , the persecution of jews in Europe or at least the interfaith secterian war in medieval Europe !!!
