السلام عليكم ورحمة الله
عاجل جدا لكل مسلم غيور على دينه

اخواني الاعزاء اثناء تصفحي لاحد المواقع الاجنبية وجدت نصرانية تجادل مسلم عن حقيقة الالوهية في الاسلام ...وطبعا رديت عليها ونصحتها بتعلم الاسلام وتفهمه عن طريق بعض المواقع الاسلامية باللغة الانجليزية ...
الا انني فوجئت انها تجادلني في بعض الشبهات التي اثيرت حول النبي صلى الله عليهوسلم ومرفق لسيادتكم نص الرسالة التي ارسلتها لي باللغة الانجليزية وهي كالتالي :

Re: Jesus Christ is Lord
Kia-orana (greetings in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ)
Thank you for your message.

May be you could explain to me why so many Muslims believe that Mohammed was really a prophet? Mohammed seems to have several character flaws, ie broken treaties; ie While ruling in Medina, Mohammed made a treaty not to attack Mecca for ten years. He then attacked them the very next year.

Violence and assassination
Mohammed used violence, including assassination, to defeat and convert men to Islam . Jesus converted people by teaching, persuasion, and example. He never used force, nor would He allow His disciples to use force, even when His enemies attacked Him.

Mohammed had 12 wives and 2 concubines at the time of his death.
Revelations for personal convenience and benefit. This is exactly the same as Joseph SMith who claim divine revelation from God to justify his polgamy and the start of the Mormon church.

Lusty Mohammed revealed that men could have plural wives, but not more than four at a time (Koran 4 ). However, a special revelation said that he himself could have more than 4 wives. He had 12 when he died. (Koran 33:50,51 )

He revealed that no man could marry his own daughter-in-law. Then a special revelation allowed him to take the wife of his adopted son. (Koran 33:37 )

Arabs once starved him, because they opposed his teaching against idolatry. He then received a "revelation" condoning idolatry. As soon as they released him, he reversed the revelation and again said idolatry was wrong.

Mohammed himself never claimed to be sinless.
In fact he admitted he and other prophets committed sin. But he never claimed that Jesus sinned.

So, whereas Christians and Muslims agree Jesus was sinless, there is much reason to doubt Mohammed's sinlessness. Based on their character then, who was greater: Mohammed or Jesus?

Why would anyone want to trust Mohammed bearing in mind that unlike Jesus or Paul( who had many witnesses to their miracles, life and death and resserection of Jesus), there are no eyewitnesses to Mohammeds cave experience?

Yours in Christ

ارجو منكم جميعا من يعرف ان يرد على هذه النصرانية باللغة الانجليزية ان يكتب الرد المناسب بطريقة النصح والوعظ والارشاد كما علمنا ديننا الحنيف

والرجاء الرد باسرع وقت ممكن....

ودمتم للاسلام نصيرا ومعينا