Quote Originally Posted by محمد سني 1989 View Post
Here you contradict your self You said before that being born again means gaining knowledge yet you yourself in a previous thread stated that you do not much about the bible and what it means , your whole argument is based on "convert and you will know" yet it seems that you lack the knowledge
I never said gaining knowledge means being born again. It seems you make untrue statements about what I am saying to gain advantage, but it won't work you also made an untrue state about me in the previous post saying I know nothing about Christianity and I know nothing about Islam. This is easy to prove wrong; for instance, I know that in your religion you believe that the slave messenger of Allah is Muhammad whose name you must mention in the second part of the shahada to be a Muslim; I know that Islam falsely accuses Christianity of associating partners to God; I know that Islam accuses the Christians of having a corrupted Bible that the Jews changed, but they don't know who among the Jews did this or when and how much they corrupted, where or what they corrupted nor their motive or how they benefited from changing it.

I know that Christians see this as an attempt to promote the Quran. They see it as nonsense, because if Allah wouldn't or couldn't preserve the torah and gospel that came before logic and common sense tells us he wouldn't be able to do it after. Muslims are, therefore, expecting me to believe that man's power to corrupt was greater than Allah's power to preserve the Scripture that came before.
Muslims expect me to believe Allah couldn't come up with at least one uncorrupted torah and gospel among the nations to show his power to preserve all his words and not just the Quran which Uthman put to writing without a divine mandate to do so from Allah.

Why didn't Allah see the corruption coming to the torah and gospel and be its guardian at the time his word needed protection from the Jews??? This is tooooooo far fetch, and for this reason Christianity makes more sense than a religion that has to cut down Jews and Christians and even the torah and gospel to promote Islam. Show me where the Quran says the gospel Allah sent down to his prophet for guidance and light is corrupted or missing! If you cannot, such a statement is contrived and should be ignored and will be.

Also when I post to you, your responses comes across as attacking, rude, belligerent and insecure. Why is that your reaction? You don't understand that variation's in the gospel are to be expected and do NOT effect the central gospel message. Moreover, I don't want you to see a sign of my knowledge. Knowledge is puffed up as the great apostle Paul would say. Love edifies and is not puffed up.
Christians will in the name of Jesus tear down every imagination that exalts itself against the knowledge of God with the sword of the spirit and of God's word. This is not a physical sword it is the word of God which is quick and powerful sharper than any two edged blade that pierces to the dividing of the soul and spirit the joints and marrow and is a discerner of the thoughts and intents of the heart.
All the verses you quoted from the Quran are accusatory toward people of the Scripture. The Bible says Satan is the accuser of the saints. Anyone who has Jesus (Born again) is a saint. The Quran in some places tells us people of the Scripture we are noble, and we should stand on the Scripture that as been revealed to us, and then it tells us when we do it we confuse falsehood for truth. This is contradiction and confusion. The Bible tells us that Satan is not only the father of lies, he is the author of confusion. In light of this new evidence, I rule in favor of Christianity making more sense than Islam.
