Quote Originally Posted by Burninglight View Post
The trinity is not made of three parts or elements. That is the mystery and not a delusion on my part. God is only one and He is a trinity. The trinity is one God only with no partners or associates (not three gods). Again, this is the mystery that is not like anything on this earth. If you can explain God's oneness, then you have brought your god down to the level of being understood by finite man, IOW, by his creation he is understood and solved.

God is a Trinity is other worldly, and there is no reason you should reject this Biblical concept. It is so deep a mystery that not even Allah and his slave messenger understood it much less Muslims such as yourself. Christians cannot explain it either. We just accept it. God is past finding out - period. There is no mystery to the god you describe as being perfectly one. Besides, what does that mean? You have never made it clear to us.


Clearly you have no answer , you denied that trinity means god in three elements , this is enough to show me that you know nothing about christianity.
Your understanding of your own religion is so lacking which is kind of sad .

The concept of trinity in christianity :Believe in the Trinity of God. Three persons in one God: Father, Son and Holy Spirit

Trust me you do not know your own religion so I am not surprised when you make ridicolous claims against the quran because it just reflects your lack of intelligence and knowledge of your own religion
