Quote Originally Posted by Burninglight View Post
But I don't see my last post. It seems like it got lost. Please repeat what it is you think I am ignoring. If you bring up 20 issues that is too much focus say on the top two or three that you would like for me to address. BTW, what is wrong with emotion? Do I have to be like I am from the planet Vulcan. I am fully human and emotion is a God given. When we are dealing with spiritual life and death issues there is nothing more important than this in life, how can you avoid emotion if you are a human who loves God and want to make Him known?
To find the true religion, you have to be completely neutral as much as you can and you have to put aside your emotions and to think with your brain.
You have been brought up as a christian and you love your religion. What if your religion is wrong ? How will you be able to see this while you are preventiong yourself from thinking properly because of your overwhelming emotions?
The same applies to me too. When comparing religions, we have to put aside our emotions and think with our brains and only our brains not our brains and hearts.
This is what I did, when I was comparing Islam to Christianity a long time ago to find which religion is the true religion that I should follow in order to please God and be safe after this life.
Hope you are able to do the same.