Quote Originally Posted by عثمان أحمد الشيخ View Post
Dear friend Pandora,
You doubted before that Jesus in the Bible is not "Eesa" or "Iesa" in the Holy Quran.I will prove to you that the name "Eesa" is the original name of Jesus (pbuh) in the Aramic language .The original language of the Bible. It is well known in the translation of names that they are kept as they were in pronunciation inspite of the changes in letters. . There is substantial convergence between the Aramaic and Arabic languages.Also there are differences for expmble :
The letter س in Arabic = s in English = sh in Aramic language.If we see the dictionary of Aramic – English you will see :
· ALAAHAA - - - - God
· EESHO - - - - Jesus
· MSHEEKHAA - - - - Christ
· MSHEEKHOOTAA - - - - Christianity
--- Eesa or Iesa in Arabic is the same pronunciation in Aramic language but the letter س or s is being uttered sh.Then Eesa must be found in The Bible but they translated it to the other languages.That is of course wrong.
-- You will notice that the name of the Almihgty God "Allah" is the original name of Allah in all his Holy Books.It must have not been translated to any other languages.That is very wrong and that made a lot of troubles.
-- You will notice that the word "Messiah" is found in the Aramic language but it is uttered "MSHEEKHAA"with sh as the same rule.
-- please read more of that words in the Aramic language in the following link :
You have proved nothing of substance here. Eesa or Iesa or Isa however you wish to interpret the name of The Christ in Arabic is immaterial. The language of the Bible was never Arabic, it was Hebrew, Aramaic and koine Greek. Jesus is nothing but an English translation. We know Jesus as His true name Yeshua.

Allah is the Arabic name for God, it was never used by any books of either the Old Testament or the New Testament. God told mankind His name was I AM.. God of the Bible was never called by the Arabic name Allah because Arabic was not the language used. True.. Aramaic has some similarities, but it is not the same. Arabic Christians will no doubt refer to God as Allah.... But their prayers will be to YHWH.. God of the Bible.

Thank you you for the link though it was thoughtful of you to include it.

Peace to you.