Episode 6: A pause with the false allegations of the orientalists and the illusions of the occidentalists (4/4)

In that, too, Ahmed Subhi Mansour(1) says in his book (The Class of Punishment for Apostasy), defining the real Sunnah, by saying: (The Way of Allah the Almighty is the Sunnah of His Messenger, peace be upon him...). Almighty Allah sends down the Law as revelation and the Messenger conveys it and implements it, and the Prophet would be the first of people in obedience and following to the commands of Allah. Almighty Allah commanded the Prophet to say: (I follow but that which is revealed to me) (Al Ahqaf: 9). Belief in the Messenger means belief in all that which descended on him of the Quran, and belief that he followed that revelation and applied it, and he was the first of people to believe it and implement it thereof(2).

Qaasim Ahmad(3) says in his book (Re-evaluation of the Hadith): It is by looking at the use of the words Sunnah and Hadith in the Quran, which gives us interesting information, that we find that the word (Sunnah) refers in the Quran to the order, or the divine law, and to the paradigm of the previous nations which met their fate. The Quran did not indicate that the Sunnah is the comportment of the Prophet, and these two uses are inferred to by the following two verses:

The saying of the Almighty: ((Such has been) the practice (approved) of Allah already in the past: no change will you find in the practice (approved) of Allah) (Al Fath: 23). And His saying: (Say to the Unbelievers, if (now) they desist (from Unbelief), their past would be forgiven them; but if they persist, the punishment of those before them is already (a matter of warning for them)) (Al Anfal: 38).

The term "Hadith" has been used in the Quran with the meaning "news", "narratives", "message" and "thing". It has been mentioned thirty-six times in different linguistic placements, none of which refers to what is known as the prophetic Hadith. In contrast, it has been mentioned in ten placements from manifest verses referring to the Quran and strongly excluding any discourse besides the Quran, of which these verses: (Allah has revealed the most beautiful Message in the form of a Book, consistent with itself) (Az Zumar: 23), (But there are, among men, those who purchase idle tales, without knowledge (or meaning), to mislead (men) from the Path of Allah and throw ridicule (on the Path): for such there will be a Humiliating Penalty) (Luqman: 6)(4).

This is in addition to what the enemies of the Sunnah alleged in their definition of the Sunnah that it is the practical process, the practical Sunnah, or that it is the Way of Allah Almighty. And that the definition of the Sunnah is that it is: (all that which is issued by the Prophet - peace be upon him – from utterance, action, endorsement, or character ....), a terminology introduced by the orators and was not known to the Prophet - peace be upon him - or his Companions – may Allah be pleased with them – even though this definition has been a reason in the mummification of Islam. This false assertion is indicative of what I have already mentioned, that these enemies are mingling meanings in the language, with those in the terminology, and neither care about their cognition, nor their explanation, either out of ignorance, or knowingly with the intention to deceive the reader and mislead him, and cause him to call in question the probativeness of the Sunnah, and its scholars whom the Lord of Honour and Power destined to safeguard it from alteration and change, wholly and accurately, as He destined to His mighty scripture, those that safeguard it among the unrivalled scholars.

Perhaps it has become clear - previously - to the honourable reader that the Sunnah of the Prophet with its definition, which is known to orators, fundamentalists and jurists, was intentional from the Prophet - peace be upon him - and known to the Companions - may Allah be pleased with them all - and that this definition for the hallowed Sunnah has been a reason for the glory of Islam and Muslims, and not for its mummification as the enemies of Islam allege. It has also become clear that the term Sunnah and the term Hadith were synonymous during the period of the blessed prophecy and the time of the Companions - may Allah be pleased with them – then those who came after them from amongst the followers and their followers - may Allah be pleased with them - and accordingly scholars of the consistent law, contrary to the enemies of Islam, the pretenders: that the term Sunnah is not the same as the term Hadith, and that they must be distinctive from each other(5).


(1) Ahmed Sobhi Mansour: graduated from Al Azhar and got an international award in history from the University. He repudiated the Sunnah, so the University cleared itself of him. He travelled to America and worked with the divinator Rashad Khalifa, lecturing at the American University in Cairo, Director of the gallery Ibn Khaldun at Moqattam. Among his compilations: ‘Prophets in the Quran’, ‘The Disobedient Muslim’, ‘The Torment of the Grave and the Bald Snake’ and ‘Why the Quran?’, under the pseudonym Abdullah Al-Khalifa. See his story with Rashad Khalifa in the two books: ‘Musaylimah at the Tucson Mosque’, and ‘Defence of the Sunnah’, the first part of the series "Islam and the Continuation of the Plot" both of which are by the honourable Professor. Dr. Taha Hbaishi.

(2) The Class of Punishment for Apostasy, p. 40.

(3) Qaasim Ahmad: a contemporary Malaysian writer and President of the Malaysian Socialist Party - formerly - author of: ‘Re-evaluation of the Hadith’, in which he denied the probativeness of the Sunnah.

(4) See: ‘Re-evaluation of the Hadith’, p. 77, 78, and his infrence to this verse that the term Hadith is the Quran is an obsolete and void inference. This (idle talk) here is the fairytales and myths, see: ‘Interpretation of the Holy Quran’ by Ibn Katheer 3/441.

(5) See: The Sunnah in the writings of the enemies of Islam (1/24-30), abridged.