اثبات صلب المصلوب و انقلابه على عقبيه : (الجزء الثالث)

آخـــر الـــمـــشـــاركــــات

مـواقـع شـقــيـقـة
شبكة الفرقان الإسلامية شبكة سبيل الإسلام شبكة كلمة سواء الدعوية منتديات حراس العقيدة
البشارة الإسلامية منتديات طريق الإيمان منتدى التوحيد مكتبة المهتدون
موقع الشيخ احمد ديدات تليفزيون الحقيقة شبكة برسوميات شبكة المسيح كلمة الله
غرفة الحوار الإسلامي المسيحي مكافح الشبهات شبكة الحقيقة الإسلامية موقع بشارة المسيح
شبكة البهائية فى الميزان شبكة الأحمدية فى الميزان مركز براهين شبكة ضد الإلحاد

يرجى عدم تناول موضوعات سياسية حتى لا تتعرض العضوية للحظر









اثبات صلب المصلوب و انقلابه على عقبيه : (الجزء الثالث)

النتائج 1 إلى 7 من 7

الموضوع: اثبات صلب المصلوب و انقلابه على عقبيه : (الجزء الثالث)

مشاهدة المواضيع

  1. #1
    تاريخ التسجيل
    Feb 2014
    آخر نشاط
    على الساعة
    09:25 PM

    افتراضي اثبات صلب المصلوب و انقلابه على عقبيه : (الجزء الثالث)

    بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم

    يتميز هذا الجزء من سلسلتنا في الرد على تلميذ ذو الخمار ان المنصر في الحقيقة اثبت لنا و لغيرنا انه يجيد اسلوب الهرووووووووب الى الامام فهو لا يرد على ما نضعه بل يختار مقتطفات من كلامنا ليرد عليها و يتهرب من البقية . و الحقيقة ان هذا التلميذ الجبان يتمسك على الامل الاخير و هو ان متابعيه لا يقرؤون كلامي او على امل انني انسى ما يتهرب منه !!!
    اسلوب الانسحابات التكتيكية !!!!!! و لذا فقد قررت ان ابدا هذا الموضوع بالقسم المسيحي قبل القسم الاسلامي كما كنت افعل لانني ساكرر عليه ما تهرب منه و ساضيف اليها الهدايا تلو الهديا و الصدمات تلو الصدمات ليعلم القارئ المسيحي حقيقة الترقيعات الفاشلة التي يرقعونها المنصرون حتى يحتوو السذج و القطيع الغافل عن الحقيقة من الحقيقة

    اولا : اباء الكنيسة و الحض على كراهية اليهود .
    نبدا بما ذكرناه سابقا و ما عرعر منه تلميذ ذو الخمار :
    1. يوحنا ذهبي الفم يحرض على كره اليهود و يصرح بان الله يكره اليهود و الواجب على المسيحييين بغض اليهود !!!


    لنقرا كيف كان اباء الكنيسة يبادلون اليهود طقوس المحبة !!!
    نقرا من The Persecution of the Jews in the Roman Empire (300-428) الصفحة 38-39 للكاتب James Everett Seaver

    (( Athanasius, the orthodox Alexandrine bishop, has some hard things to say of the Jews. In his Oratio de incarnatione verbi he claims that the Jews mock the faith of the Christians and scoff at the true prophecies of the incarnation."112 St. Basil also had little use for Jews. In his Homily XXIV he says: "The Jews fight with the pagans, but both combat the Christians, just as the Assyrians and others were enemies to the ancient Israel. We Christians thus should avoid the blasphemy of the Jews who slaughtered God's Son, fearing contamination from them."113 In Basil's Commentary on Isaiah there are further anti-Jewish testimonies. The Jews tore out God's eyes when they nailed the Savior to the cross. Furthermore the Blood of the Son is upon them and upon their children forevermore ."114 The Jews have been found out through their hardness of heart; they neither choose the path of life by good deeds nor alter their false ideas and believe in Christ.
    .... In Chrysostom's discourses there is no sneer too mean or gibe too bitter to fling at the Jews. No text is too remote, no argument too caustic, or blasphemy too startling for him to employ. The only explanation for his bitterness is the very close fellowship between the Jews and Christians of Antioch."119 There is no suggestion that the Jews are immoral or vicious or that Christians were corrupted in morals or orthodoxy by contact with them. Only one contemporary event is related, apart from general denunciations against visiting synagogues at times of Jewish feast or fast. This is the case of the Christian woman who took an oath in the house of a Jew, because she believed a vow taken in the Jewish manner was more binding than any other. To Chrysostom's eyes the crime was not only the Jewish oath, but also the circumstance that a Christian woman had been taken into a Jewish house.120
    There is no material in these sermons for a study of contemporary Jewish life, for events and beliefs of centuries earlier are quoted as if contemporary. Using Psalm XCVI, 37,he states that the Jews sacrificed their sons and daughters to devils; they outraged nature, and overthrew from their foundations the laws of relationship. They have become worse than wild beasts, and for no reason at all; with their own hands they murder their offspring to worship the avenging devils who are the foes of our life
    .121 The synagogues of the Jews are the homes of idolatry and devils, even though they have no images in them.122 They are worse than heathen circuses, and the very idea of going from a church to a synagogue is blasphemous; to attend the Jewish Passover is to insult Christ.123 To be with Jews on the very day when they murdered Jesus is to ensure that on the Day of Judgment He will say, "Depart from me! for you have had intercourse with my murderers."124 Some say that the synagogue is hallowed by the presence of the Bible, but one might just as well say that the temple of Dagon was hallowed by the ark. Actually the presence of the Bible makes the synagogues more detestable, for the Jews have introduced it not to honor God, but to insult and dishonor Him.125 The Jews do not worship God but devils, so that their feasts are Unclean.126 God hates them and indeed has always hated them; since their murder of Jesus He allows them no time for repentance .127 He concentrated all their worship in Jerusalem so that He might more easily destroy it."128 ......))

    و لنسمع الان الكارثة و بقية كلام يوحنا ذهبي الفم و نصائح الحب التي يقدمها لاتباع الكنيسة
    ((Since God hates the Jews, it is the duty of Christians to hate them, too. He who has no limits in his love of Christ must have no limits in his battle with those who hate Him. "I hate the Jews," Chrysostom exclaims, "for they have the Law and they insult it."130 ))
    اذا اكتفيت بهذا لكان كافيا ووافيا لجعل المنصر اضحوكة و لكننا مع ذلك سنكمل الصدمات

    2. القديس Hilary of Poitiers يطالب المسيحيين بعدم مخالطة اليهود في الطعام و عدم رد التحية لهم في الطرقات !!!
    نقرا من نفس المصدر السابق الصفحة 22- 23 :
    It is related of Hilary of Poitiers that his orthodoxy was such that he would not eat with a Jew or even answer Jewish salutations in the street, conduct which amazed Venantius Fortunatus, his biographer.52 This is more understandable if Hilary really believed, as he wrote, that "before the Law was given, the Jews were possessed of an unclean devil, which the Law for a time drove out, but which returned immediately after their rejection of Christ."53 In another passage, commenting on the fifty-first psalm, Hilary writes that the strong man who scoffs at the righteous is to be applied to the Jews, who are that wicked people which has always persisted in iniquity and has gloried in wickednessFor Israel was mighty when in slavery it was visited by God; when on its account Egypt was struck by so many plagues; when in three days of darkness it did not feel the dark; when it left Egypt to its fate despoiled of gold and silver ornaments; when it was accompanied day and night by a column of smoke and fire . . . In all these things it
    was mighty. But ever it was mighty in wickedness; when it longed for the flesh-pots of Egypt; when through its wickedness it preferred an unholy slavery to a holy liberty; when it worshipped the calf; when it cursed Moses; when it hated God; when it vowed its sons as offerings to demons; when it killed the prophets, and finally when it betrayed to the praetor and crucified our God Himself and Lord, who for its sake became man. And so, glorying throughout all its existence in Iniquity when it was mighty, it was persistently in iniquity where it showed its might. ))

    3. افرايم السرياني يلعن اليهودي و يصفهم بانهم مجموعة من المختونين الذين لا يملكون بيتا !!!! و كل هذا لان اليهودية ابدت مقاومة لافكار المسيحية و تصدت لها بل صار هناك حالات ردة من المسيحية الى اليهودية !!!.
    نقرا من نفس المصدر السابق الصفحة 36- 37 :
    (( In passionate hatred of the Jews, Ephraem Syrus (ob. 373) surpasses all church fathers before or after him. In many of his extant works he rages against the Jews. His resentment is curious, for it is doubtful that he knew many of them. His anger was aroused by Judaism's powers of resistance, for he was forced to bear witness to its ability to acquire proselytes even at this time of severe oppression. We learn from Ephraem as from Justin and Origen that the old faith received at this period numerous accessions from heathendom. Ephraem declares that the heathens are deluded by the Jewish missionaries.104
    Ephraem calls the Jews the "circumcised vagabonds," and Judaism a worthless vineyard which cannot bear fruit.103 He frequently refers to the wretched condition of the Jews, which he regards as a punishment sent from God.106 Because they reviled Jesus, the Lord has banished them from their land, and now they are condemned to wander over the whole face of the earth.107 After Julian's death Ephraem composed four hymns: the first against Julian; the second against heresies; the third against apostasy; and the fourth against the Jews. Some quotations from these may show more clearly the tenor of Ephraem's violent anti-Jewish feelings:108
    The Jewish people broke out into maddening noise; the circumcised blew their trumpets and rejoiced that Julian was a magician and a worshipper of idols. They saw again the image of the beast on his gold pieces; they again viewed the bull of shame and danced around it with trumpets and timbals, for they recognized in this beast their ancient golden calf. The heathen bull, imprinted on their hearts, he stamped on his coins for the delectation of the Jews, who were enamored of him. The circumcised blew their trumpets and behaved like madmen. Jerusalem put to shame the accursed crucifiers who had dared to announce that they would rebuild the ruins their sins had wrought. Fire broke out and destroyed the scholars who had read in Daniel that the desolation would endure forever. Look, Christians live in peace, free from the possessed, free from contact with the servants of the devil ))

    4. القديس باسيل يطالب المسيحيين بالابتعاد عن اليهود حتى لا يتاثروا بافكارهم !!!
    نقرا من نفس المصدر السابق الصفحة 38 - 39 :
    (( St. Basil also had little use for Jews. In his Homily XXIV he says: "The Jews fight with the pagans, but both combat the Christians, just as the Assyrians and others were enemies to the ancient Israel. We Christians thus should avoid the blasphemy of the Jews who slaughtered God's Son, fearing contamination from them."113 In Basil's Commentary on Isaiah there are further anti-Jewish testimonies. The Jews tore out God's eyes when they nailed the Savior to the cross. Furthermore the Blood of the Son is upon them and upon their children forevermore."114 The Jews have
    been found out through their hardness of heart; they neither choose the path of life by good deeds nor alter their false ideas and believe in Christ."115 ))

    5. القديس آمبروز ووصمة العار!!! يدافع عن قيام مجموعة من الكهنة في مدينة الرقة بتحريض المسيحيين فيها على حرق كنيس يهودي و سرقة ما فيه و الاوقح منها انه يحض الامبراطور على عدم اعادة بناء الكنيس لصالح اليهود "الخبثاء" و على عدم ارجاع ما اخذه المسيحيون من الكنيس !!!!! انه الحب على اصوله و ادارة الخد الاخر بمنطق النفاق !!!!
    نقرا من نفس الصمدر السابق الصفحة 42-43 :
    ((he first trouble between Ambrose and Theodosius was
    in December, 388. Ambrose had gone to Aquileia, probably to conduct the funeral of Bishop Valerian and consecrate his successor Chromatus.132 A little while before, news had come of a religious riot which had occurred at Callinicum (modern Al-Rakka), a town of commercial importance on the Euphrates.133 The Count of the East had reported that the Christians of Callinicum, at the instigation of their bishop, had burnt a Jewish synagogue after stripping it of valuables; furthermore some monks had burnt a village chapel, situated in the midst of a sacred grove which belonged to the sect of Valentinians. Such disorders, particularly the destruction of synagogues, had recently become common in all parts of the empire.134 It was obvious that decisive action was necessary. Therefore Theodosius directed the Count of the East to force the bishop of Callinicum to rebuild the synagogue at his own expense (since he admittedly started the fire), and to restore the stolen properties; the monks and others implicated were to be punished.
    Ambrose heard about this at Aquileia and wrote to Theodosius in Milan demanding that he rescind his orders.135 Ambrose approached the subject delicately with anxiety about giving offense. After a careful preface he protests vigorously against the rebuilding of the place of worship for God's enemies. To do this would be apostasy for the bishop; if he refused to obey the emperor and was punished he would be a martyr. Ambrose writes that he himself would gladly take the bishop's place and suffer martyrdom. He would himself gladly assume responsibility for the bishop's actions: "I am present here before you and confess my guilt. I proclaim that I set the synagogue on fire or at least ordered others to do so, so that no building should be left where Christ is denied. If you ask me why I have not burned the local synagogue, I answer that the judgment of God had already begun its destruction, so my intervention was not needed."136 Ambrose feels that even if the bishop of Callinicum were personally excused, it would be monstrous if a Jewish synagogue were to be restored at the expense of the Christian state or Christian citizens: "Shall a building be erected for perfidious Jews out of the spoils of the church? Shall the patrimony which by the favor of Christ has been acquired for Christians be transferred to the treasury of un-
    believers? If such a thing were done, the Jews might well inscribe on the front of their synagogue the title, 'Temple of impiety erected out of Christian spoil'."137
    To the contention that public order must be maintained, Ambrose replied that during Julian's reign many churches had been destroyed by Jews and heathen two at Damascus, and others at Alexandria, Gaza, Ascalon, Berytus, and various other cities and the crimes had not been punished. Why then should there be such a commotion about the burning of a mean provincial synagogue, a haunt of infidels, a house of the impious, a hiding place for madmen, a virtually heathen temple which was under the damnation of God Himself? Theodosius should not think of restoring stolen properties, for it is inconceivable that a squalid synagogue of the provinces could have possessed any treasures. The perfidious Jews had obviously trumped up the robbery charges, so that on perjured evidence Christians could be condemned to the mines, the axe, and the fire:
    "Will you give the Jews this triumph over the church of God? This victory over the people of Christ? Will you give this joy to unbelievers, this festival to the synagogue, this sorrow to the church? The Jews will place this solemnity among their feast days, numbering it among those which commemorate their triumphs over the Amorites, etc."138 Ambrose then concludes with a threat, "I beseech you, sir, do not disdain to listen to me, who fear both for you and me. In remonstrating, I have certainly treated you with the greatest possible respect, so that you might hear me in the palace, and not force me to make myself heard in the church."139 ))

    6. القديس امبروسياستر يطالب المسيحيين بعدم مخالطة اليهود لان المسيحي قد يتنجس حينها !!!
    نقرا من الصمدر السابق الصفحة 44- 45 :
    (( The church writer "Ambrosiaster," who was perhaps himself a converted Jew, is not much less harsh towards the Jews than Ambrose,
    with whose works Ambrosiaster's were confused until the beginning of the seventeenth century. In his Commentary on Romans IX he declares that the Jews are to be treated as apostates from Christianity and as men who have known the truth but have rejected it.143 A portion of his Sermon VII on the Kalends of January is even more condemnatory. Here he states:
    We ought to avoid contact not only with the pagans, but also with the Jews, for mixing with them is a pollution. For they craftily get into people's good graces, enter their homes, invade the courts, and disturb the judges and laymen alike; and the more they succeed, the bolder they become. For they are not recently become evil, but it is a long standing and original fault. For once they even persecuted Christ the Saviour in the courts, and condemned him by the laws. The innocent are persecuted by the Jews therefore in court, and then religion is condemned. For when Christ was killed, all truth and justice before the law was condemned. ))

    7. القديس جيروم يصرح ببغضه كرهه لليهود و شبه معابدهم بالزانية و البغية !!!!
    نقرا من نفس المصدر الصفحة 51- 52:
    (( In some of his letters Jerome also displays strong anti-Jewish feelings, and even about Jews who had done him personal favors. Writing in Bethlehem about his knowledge of Hebrew, Jerome makes these slurs on his Jewish teacher: "What trouble and expense it cost to get Bar Aninas to teach me under cover of night! For by his fear of the Jews he presented to me in his own person a second edition of Nicodemus. . . . If it is expedient to hate any men and to loathe any race I have a strange dislike for those of the circumcision. For up to the present day, they persecute our Lord Jesus Christ in the synagogues of Satan."164 Some years later when writing to Augustine, Jerome repeated these statements, showing that none of his hatred had passed away: "But if we must take up the Jews with orthodox Christians, then they will be able to see those things in the churches of Christ, which they curse in the synagogues of Satan. I should say what I think the Jews will not be made Christians, but they will make us Jews."165
    Jerome also writes bitterly of the Jews he despised in the Commentary on the Epistle to the Galatians. He writes that the Jews say they are Hebrews's and they are not; they lie, for they are from the Synagogue of Satan. Nor should one wonder if in imitation of the Spiritual Israel the Jews have established a carnal Israel, which has neither peace nor pity.166 His tone in the Hosea commentary is even more violent: "A fornicatress is a woman who has had intercourse with several men. An adultress, one who, deserting her true spouse, joins herself to another. The Synagogue is both of these, and if she
    continues in fornication and adultery, God will strip off her clothes and remove the ornaments which He gave her."167 Jerome even maintains that the Jews and their adherents were still "persecuting" the Christians of his day, something very hard to believe in the light of the other evidence previously reviewed: "Right up to the present time, moreover, those who interpret the Scriptures according to the Jewish manner persecute the Church of Christ, and fill the church not with zeal for the word of God, but with the traditions of depraved individuals."168 Note how vague these references to the "depraved" Jews are. ))

    8. القديس اغسطين يشبه اليهود بانهم عبيد النصارى و انه ينبغي لهم ان يبقو متشتتين و يمنعوا من دخول القدس بتاتا !!!
    ((Compared with Jerome, Augustine was very mild toward the Jews. The correspondence between these two fathers alone will demonstrate this. The African bishop, however, feels a great sense of Christian superiority. "The Jews," he declares, "are our attendant slaves, who carry, as it were, our satchels and bear the manuscripts while we study them. . . . When we argue with the heathen we adduce the predictions found in the Bible written by the Jews."171 Commenting on Psalm 63, he declares that the Jews seek Christ's soul in vain, for, since they persecute or try to persecute the church, so much is certain about them. They will not relinquish the earth and its pleasures, and thus they crucified Christ.172
    One of Augustine's main theses is that the Jews must be pre-
    served as the representatives of the old dispensation for the Christians the old dispensation which ended when Jesus was born. The Jewish race must not die out. To be sure, it has been conquered by the Romans, spread over the earth, and prohibited entrance to Jerusalem, but it is still the Jewish race. The Jews are never so conquered as to be absorbed by the victors. They possess the mark of Cain; for they circumcise their children after the law, they observe the Sabbath, they celebrate Passover, and they eat the unleavened bread. Therefore the Jews have not perished, and they are needful for the believing peoples. They must never be exterminated, only dispersed about the world as living testimony of God's displeasure.173 God is, as Jerome says, so wroth with them that the Jews arc now dispersed as spiritual mendicants: "Therefore these people [the Jews] have also become vagabonds, since they crucified God and our Lord. For they are not in their former abodes, but are spread over the whole earth. Here the Psalmist speaks of the beggary of spiritual riches which is upon them. For they have neither prophets, nor law, nor priesthood, nor sacrifice, but in truth they are made beggars." 174 ))

    9. مكسيموس المعترف يصف العرب بالهمج و الحيوانات البرية !!! (ما شاء الله على الاخلاق طبعا هو يقول هذا الكلام لان المسلمين دعسوا على الامبراطورية الرومانية و هزموهم و فتحوا الشام و مصر ) .
    نقرا من كتاب روبرت هولاند Seeing Islam as Others Saw It الصفحة 77 -78 و هو ينقل كلامه

    ثانيا : تشريعات خاصة من قبل الكنيسة .

    نبدا بما تهرب به تلميذ ذو الخمار


    نقرا من الناموس الشريف و المصحف العالي المنيف المتضمن السبع مجامع الكبار و الستة الصغار الصفحة 167 :
    (( القانون السابع و الثلاثون : ...
    لا يجوز لاحد من النصارى ان يعيد مع اليهود او ياكل معهم في اعيادهم الفطير و لا يشاركهم في شيء من كفرهم و لا يتابعهم في سفك دم المسيح فيكون دمه على رؤوسهم

    القانون الثامن و الثلاثون : ...
    لا يجوز ان يؤخذ من الهراطقة و اليهود شيئا من البرك التي يبعثون بها الى الكنائس و لا يعيدون معهم في اعيادهم

    القانون التاسع و الثلاثون : ...
    لا يجوز ان يعيدوا النصارى مع الحنفا جميعا و لا يدخلوا مساجد اصنامهم و لا يشاركوهم في كفرهم ايضا))
    و نضيف عليها التشريع المعروف باسبوع الاستعداد و قصة تشريع صيام هذا الاسبوع هي قصة في قمة المهزلة و المسخرة تكشف لنا الحقد الدفين في قلوب الكهنة و القساوسة بل و تكشف لنا كمية العبث في الدين النصراني من قبل هؤلاء الكهان الذين صاروا يشرعون عبادات على كيفهم !!!!!

    القيصر هرقل "هازم الفرس بطل المسيحية الذي استعاد الصليب المقدس من ايديهم" اعطى الامان لليهود ثم نكث بعهده بتحريض من القساوسة و الكهنة النصارى فقتل بهذا النكث الخلق الكثير من النساء و الاطفال !

    نقرا من تاريخ سعيد بن البطريق ايضا الجزء الثاني الصفحة 5-6 :
    ((ثم ان هرقل صار يريد بيت المقدس فلما بلغ طبرية خرج اليه اليهود السكان بطبرية و من جبل الجليل و الناصرة و كل قرية في تلك الناحية و استقبلوا هرقل بالهدايا و دعو له وسالوه ان يعطيهم الامان فاعطاهم الامان و كتب لهم بذلك عهدا.فلما بلغ هرقل بيت المقدس استقبلوه رهبان السيق و اهل بيت المقدس و معهم مودسطس بالمجامر و البخور
    فلما دخل الى المدينة و نظر الى ما اخربت الفرس و احرقوا اغتم غما شديدا ثم نظر الى ما بناه مودسطس من كنيسة القيامة و الاقرانيون و كنيسة مار قسطنطين فسره ذلك و شكر مودسطس علي ما فعل و ان الرهبان واهل بيت المقدس قالوا لهرقل : ان اليهود الذين حول بيت المقدس و جبل الجليل وقت وافوا الفرس كانوا معهم يعينونهم و انهم هم الذين تولو قتل النصارى اكثر من الفرس و اخربوا الكنائس و احرقوها بالنار و اروه القتلى الذين في ماملا و اعلموه ما فعله اليهود في صور من قتل النصارى و خراب الكنائس. فقال لهم هرقل : فماذا تريدون؟ قالوا : تفعل مسرتنا و تقتل كل يهودي حول بيت المقدس و جبل الجليل لاننا لا نامن ان يجيئنا قوم مخالفين لنا فيكون هؤلاء معينين لهم علينا ايضا كما اعانوا الفرس علينا ايضا فقال لهم هرقل : كيف استحل قتلهم و قد اعطيت لهم الامان و كتبت لهم به عهدا و انتم تعلمون ما يجب على من نقض العهد. و متى نقضت العهد و الايمان كان ذلك عار علي و احدوثة قبيحة عني ؟ و اني لا امن ان انا كتبت لانسان غير اليهود عهدا يقبله مني و ان لم افيه كنت كذابا خوانا غير مامون عند الناس كلهم مع ما يلزمني من الذنب العظيم و الخطيئة عند سيدنا المسيح من قتل قوم قد امنتهم و كتبت لهم بذلك عهدا. فقالوا له : ان سيدنا المسيح يعلم ان قتلك لهم غفران لذنوبك و تمحيص لخطاياك و الناس يعذروك لانك في الوقت الذي اعطيتهم الامان لم تعلم و لم تدري ما فعلوا من قتل النصارى و خراب الكنائس و انما خرجوا اليك و استقبلوك بالهدايا مكرا منهم و لعنة لعلة ما كانوا قد جنوه فقتلك لهم قربان تقدمه الى الله و نحن نحتمل عنك هذا الذنب و نكفره عنك و نسال سيدنا يسوع المسيح الا يؤاخذك به و نجعل لك جمعة البيض و الجبن قبل الصوم الكبير صوما نقيا في جملة الصوم الكبير نصومها لك و نترك فيها اكل البيض و الجبن ما دامت النصرانية..... فاجابهم هرقل الى ذلك وقتل من اليهود حول بيت المقدس و جبل الجليل ما لا يحصى عدده ممن قدر عليه و منهم من اختفى و منهم من هرب الى البراري و الاودية و الجبال و الى مصر. وصيروا اول جمعة من الصوم التي يتركون فيها الملكية اكل اللحم فقط صوما نقيا. و كانوا يصومنها للملك هرقل غفرانا لنقضه العهد و قتله اليهود و يمتنعون فيها عن اكل البيض و الجبن و السمك))

    و نقرا من كتاب The Arab Conquest Of Egypt And The Last Thirty Years Of The Roman Dominion للكاتب Butler, Alfred J. الصفحة 134:
    (( Heraclius however was loth to depart from his plighted word. He was reminded that he had given the pledge in ignorance of the facts: that he was not bide by a promise cozened out of him by fraud : that had he known how the jews smote the christians with fire and sword, he must have dealt very sternly with them and so forth. The clamour or the casuisitry or both prevailed. An edict was issued by which the jews were driven out of Jerusalem and forbidden to come again within three miles of its walls. But banishment was the lightest punishment they suffered; for Heraclius seems to have sanctioned the full measure of vengeance which the christians demanded and something like a general massacre followed. But in order to sooth the emperor's conscience their own, the patriarch and bishops sent letters to every city ordering the institution of a week's fast for ever. The institution still remains and to this day the first week of Lent with the Copts is called " The Fast of Heraclius". It may be taken that the Copts joined in the massacre, having their own scores to settle with the jews from the time of the Persian capture of Alexandria. ))

    فانظروا كيف عاهدهم ثم نكث و من اجل تبرير هذا النكث قام رهبناهم و قساوستهم باضافة تشريعات جديدة خاصة بالصوم ، فاضافوا ما يعرف باسبوع الاستعداد قبل الصوم الكبير من اجل حمل خطية نكث هرقل للعهد لدفعه لقتل و ذبح يهود بيت المقدس و الجليل و الناصرة و طبرية !!!!
    و كانني اتذكر قوله تعالى : ((اتَّخَذُوا أَحْبَارَهُمْ وَرُهْبَانَهُمْ أَرْبَابًا مِّن دُونِ اللَّهِ وَالْمَسِيحَ ابْنَ مَرْيَمَ وَمَا أُمِرُوا إِلَّا لِيَعْبُدُوا إِلَٰهًا وَاحِدًا ۖ لَّا إِلَٰهَ إِلَّا هُوَ ۚ سُبْحَانَهُ عَمَّا يُشْرِكُونَ (31)))
    و تالله ما صيامهم بنافعهم و لا بنافع هرقل من شيء و لا هم بحاملي خطاياه من شيء بل هي كالهباء المنثور
    و قد قال تعالى : ((
    وَقَالَ الَّذِينَ كَفَرُوا لِلَّذِينَ آمَنُوا اتَّبِعُوا سَبِيلَنَا وَلْنَحْمِلْ خَطَايَاكُمْ وَمَا هُم بِحَامِلِينَ مِنْ خَطَايَاهُم مِّن شَيْءٍ ۖ إِنَّهُمْ لَكَاذِبُونَ (12))
    انها المحبة يا سادة محبة النفاق !!!!!


    وحتى يظهر الحق بكل صورة واضحة وضعنا قواعد فشل فيها من حاول الرد على الجزء الاول والثانى وها نعلنها بكل قوه وتحدى لجميع المنتديات والمسلمين
    عليك انت تثبت ان المسيحية تلعن غير المسيحيين فى صلاتهم او تثبت ان المسيحية تعلم الشتيمة والسب او تثبت ان المسيحية تكره وتبغض غير المسيحى ووضعنا قواعد .
    تحديك جعلناه هباءا منثورا في المواضيع السابقة و في الاعلى بحيث يضحك عليه الرضيع و يسخر منه الكبير و يكفي الخزي الذي اذقناك اياه و الفضيحة التي انكشفت عنك حيث تنقل من مقاطع الروافض في اليوتيوب و لا تعرف ابسط المصطلحات الحديثية اذ لا تفرق بين مصطلح رجاله ثقات و مصطلح اسناده صحيح و تظن ان ارسال الراوي يعد قدحا في وثاقته و لا تعلم ان الثقة في نفسه قد يجرح لعلة اخري غير الكذب كالاضطراب و سود الحفظ و يكفي انك لا تفهم سياق ما تنقله و يكفي انك لا تجيب على جميع ردودنا بل تنتقي انتقاءا !!!!!

    و بالمناسبة معاييرك و شروطك هذه تبلها بماء و تشربها خاصة حينما تاتيني بمراجع مسيحية معاصرة هدفها الترقيع و الانكل انك تنتقي من بعض هذه المراجع ما يعجبك فقط !!!! بينما انا اتيك من كلام اباء الكنيسة و اقوالهم

    يتبع مع الرد على ردوده او عفوا ترقيعاته المضحكة الخاصة بالجزء المسيحي
    التعديل الأخير تم بواسطة محمد سني 1989 ; 02-10-2020 الساعة 11:54 PM
    نقره لتكبير أو تصغير الصورة ونقرتين لعرض الصورة في صفحة مستقلة بحجمها الطبيعي

اثبات صلب المصلوب و انقلابه على عقبيه : (الجزء الثالث)

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المواضيع المتشابهه

  1. اثبات صلب المصلوب و انقلابه على عقبيه : ( الجزء الاول )
    بواسطة محمد سني 1989 في المنتدى شبهات حول السيرة والأحاديث والسنة
    مشاركات: 36
    آخر مشاركة: 14-11-2020, 11:01 PM
  2. اثبات صلب المصلوب و انقلابه على عقبيه : (الجزء الثاني)
    بواسطة محمد سني 1989 في المنتدى شبهات حول السيرة والأحاديث والسنة
    مشاركات: 8
    آخر مشاركة: 23-09-2020, 12:03 PM
  3. من هم الكافرون؟الجزء الثالث
    بواسطة حسين أحمد عطاالله في المنتدى المنتدى الإسلامي
    مشاركات: 0
    آخر مشاركة: 24-04-2014, 09:46 PM
  4. من هم المسلمون؟الجزء الثالث عشر
    بواسطة حسين أحمد عطاالله في المنتدى المنتدى الإسلامي
    مشاركات: 0
    آخر مشاركة: 10-05-2013, 04:57 PM
  5. الجزء الثالث من القصة
    بواسطة nohataha في المنتدى المنتدى العام
    مشاركات: 0
    آخر مشاركة: 19-02-2008, 11:47 PM

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اثبات صلب المصلوب و انقلابه على عقبيه : (الجزء الثالث)

اثبات صلب المصلوب و انقلابه على عقبيه : (الجزء الثالث)