Judaism, Christianity and Islam are considered Abrahamic faiths. All three cannot be right. Can't seem to get away from this trinity. I am really amazed that after our dialogue if Muslims they could dig in their heels. I am awe struck of the grip Islam has on Muslims and the concern it brings upon the world.

I don't understand how Muslims could read the Bible and see that Ishmael was rejected as the child of promise by God and Abraham. Since Islam's prophet Muhammad comes from Ishmael's line and no prophets come out of Ishmael, I could not see Muhammad a prophet of God for Jews or Christians. Catholics have lots wrong and so does Judaism, but Jesus said look at the fruit. When I look at radical Muslims I find they are truly living the Quran. It commands militancy. Most Muslims are moderate in their faith, but radical Islam will soon force moderates off the fence.

As I mentioned, Jesus said you'll know a tree by its fruit. I look at Iraq and the tree of Islam shows its true colors, IMO. I don't understand the color blindness of moderate Muslim, but I pray we all come to the knowledge of truth during the debates we have here.
