Quote Originally Posted by نصير الدين View Post

On what basis exactly are you so sure about your definition ? Here's a link :


And I quote :

Well, that's interesting. I would never have thought to "prostrate" to another in greeting. This from the rest of the link you provided.. What does it mean permissible according to the law of Allah .. At that time.. Am I to take from this excerpt that prophet Mohammed decided that prostration was for Allah alone at a later date? Did Allah change his mind about whom should be prostrating to whom? I'm not sure what to take from that.

*** The prostration of Yoosuf’s parents and brothers was also a prostration of greeting and honouring, which was permissible according to the law (of Allaah) at that time. But according to the sharee’ah brought by the Seal of the Prophets, Muhammad (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him), it is not permissible to prostrate to anyone at all except Allaah. Hence the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said: “If I were to have commanded anyone to prostrate to anyone else, I would have commanded women to prostrate to their husbands.” The Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) forbade Mu’aadh to prostrate to him when he (Mu’aadh) said that the People of the Book prostrated to the great ones among them, and he mentioned the hadeeth quoted above. The prohibition in this sharee’ah against prostrating to anyone at all except Allaah is an aspect of its perfection in achieving true Tawheed. It is the perfect sharee’ah whose perfection is manifested in all its rulings. Allaah says (interpretation of the meaning):***

According to your Bible or other religions ? Don't forget that we don't believe they are the original messages revealed by Allah . I thought we went over this a month ago .
Doesn't really matter what you believe. We know the Bible as it stands is what it has always been and you have absolutely no proof otherwise.

Incorrect . Jins are like humans in that they have a free will . And there's a Surah named after them :


And from it :

14 And among us are Muslims [in submission to Allah ], and among us are the unjust. And whoever has become Muslim - those have sought out the right course. 15 But as for the unjust, they will be, for Hell, firewood.'

And the disbelievers of Jins are called devils . Keep in mind that even among humans there are devils and that's because this is a name given to evil doers . Still , generally , when we say "THE devil" it is Iblees .
I'm not at all sure what a jinn is or why they exist. Am I to assume they are a different creation entirely from humans and angels? What purpose do they serve?

DON'T , get into baseless hypothesis . And if I remember correctly , I did inform you that the devils are not "THE" cause of sinning . People themselves differ . There are those who obey and those who disobey .

76:3 Indeed, We guided him to the way, be he grateful or be he ungrateful.
Well.. I will leave you to explain what exactly a jinn is and what purpose it or they serve. Maybe that's also another topic for another thread.

Again , animals act on instincts and have no minds . A person who has one and YET chooses falsehood is worse . That's why Quran says :

7:179 And We have certainly created for Hell many of the jinn and mankind. They have hearts with which they do not understand, they have eyes with which they do not see, and they have ears with which they do not hear. Those are like livestock; rather, they are more astray. It is they who are the heedless.
That's frankly ridiculous.. An animal has a capacity for learning behaviours... Some are very adept at it. To say they have no mind for thought process makes no sense. A level of intelligence needed to allow for learning behaviours is evidence for some kind of "mind". In regards to choosing falsehood that's a matter of opinion for someone's falsehood is another's truth.

The insane and mentally ill are a different case . That's why an insane person isn't blamed to not accept Islam and is judged on the final day .
I rather think it is dependant on the persons soul as how they are judged. Not weather they are willing or able to accept or not prophet Mohammed as the last prophet.

They don't have a soul , but they have a spirit ?!

And the problem is ? There are two reasons to kill an animal : either to benefit from it , or to fend harm . Slaughtering an animal to eat it is included in the first one . And even so , Islam sets strict rules to slaughter an animal in teh most merciful way . One can't sharpen the knife in front of it , slaughter it in front of another , and the one doing it must be "professional" to do it in one swift hit .

And no offense but , what does all of that you tell about your doctrine have to do with the current subject ? Egypt , cats , vegetarians ?
God in the Bible gives a criteria in regards to animals, as to what animals that were acceptable for sacrifice etc. I mentioned vegetarians because mankind was first created vegetarian.. According to the Bible.. Maybe you do not have that level of information available to you in the Quran. God decided when mankind could use animals for food.. In the Noahic covenant, which as you also don't have much info in the Quran either about covenants then I don't expect you would know this. Cats .. I mentioned in passing as they were never favoured very highly due to their link to the pagan deities of Egypt at that time. We won't go into the whys and wherefore a of animal slaughter methods. I don't see the point in that, weather an animal is stunned or not before bleeding out is a matter for animal welfare issues.

Since when is 1+1+1 equal to 1 ? And if the holy ghost is Jibreel , how come you have the nerve say you don't worship angels with a straight face ?
Only muslims believe Jibreel is the Holy Ghost. We know it is not possible for an angel no matter how lofty his rank in heaven .. To be the Holy Ghost.. Or rather Holy Spirit. Main reason being angels are created beings and the Holy Spirit is eternal and uncreated. Also you should be aware that to blaspheme against the Holy Spirit is an unpardonable sin. Just thought I would mention that..so no... We DO NOT worship angels.

Islam states that Christ was a prophet of Allah sent with a message to his people . Those people altered the message and corrupted it when they were entrusted with them . That's why there are truths in the current Bible unaltered , yet . So instead of the meaningless accusations of "Muhammad - peace upon him - took what's in the books of Jews , Christians , Hindus , Buddhists , and many other" , argue which religion is true . It's really ridiculous when I hear that slander as if he had a magical library in his 5X4 meters house that no human ever noticed .

Note : I'm not sure about the size of the house , just said it to mean it's small .
Islam states a lot of things about Christianity that actually have no basis at all in Christianity... Just someone's misconception about it. Please desist with this nonsense about the Bible being altered.. Or bring on your proof of what you claim.. And if you are honest and read those suras that muslims fondly quote in support of this idea in truth you will know that they do not claim the Torah or the Gospel was changed. In fact I don't think the Gospel is mentioned at all.

The mere idea that Prophet Mohammed may have needed access to a library to glean information about Judaism or Christianity is ludicrous and I can only think you are meaning it in some kind of tongue in cheek manner. You know for sure that the Torah and the Gospel were in wide circulation in the sixth century along with a whole host of gnostic works and folk tales. You think it likely that prophet Mohammed never heard any of these!!! Was he not well travelled with his wife's Khadja's business? The wife whose Nestorian Christian cousin knew and spoke with prophet Mohammed. If there is the slightest possibility that Prophet Mohammed could have heard of the previous scriptures by any of these means then you cannot say with your hand on your heart with all certainty that he was not unduly influenced by them.


The rest of your post does not warrant a response as it is no more than personal vitriol against Burninglight. Which I would have thought you would have been above.. It's a shame that we can't agree to disagree without recourse to unpleasantness.

Peace to you