Quote Originally Posted by نصير الدين View Post

Wooo , hold it there . I did say that it doesn't mean gay acts . We just use it when someone thinks dirty and fabricates such things abut Islam . I mean that when someone like Butros - you can't see the video I guess - looks at a narration of the prophet peace upon him hugging a man and says it's "gay" , that's when we show him this so that he backs off . Of course it doesn't mean what we're talking about , it's just that he's using double standards .

am I to understand here that if someone you don't like, says something you don't agree with you feel that "tit for tat you insult my prophet I'll insult yours" kind of response is justified, even if it means using something defamatory and something you do not believe to be true! Don't you think that's a wee bit immature?

And by the way , some translations say that the man was sitting "next" to him . So you should probably call those translators dirty minded for their twisted way of understanding .
What are you on about???? What do you mean by "twisted understanding"? Do you see it as wrong for men to hug each other? Do you see it as shameful that a disciple laid his head on Jesus breast/chest in what was probably a moment of extreme emotion. Is there no room for love at all in Islam that you understand it so little?
A question for you.. If you saw a stranger who was terribly upset and distraught would you stop and comfort them or walk on by?

You declare me destined to hell for more than that in your belief . So much for the love , don't you think ? Still though , indeed , we will see at the day all are judged .
No.. Friend.. I would never declare you would go to hell. It's not my wish for anyone to suffer hell. However, I feel I fail in my Christian duty if I do not tell what I believe Jesus said was truth, that He is the only Way, He is the Truth and He is the Life. You have rejected Him, and it's ok for you to reject Him but I see it is important to know what it is you reject. I don't feel that as a Muslim you really know enough about what Jesus said and taught, and you blindly reject what could be something crucial to your redemption. Seek and you shall find, knock and the door will be opened.

That's YOUR belief . Are you going to do the same as Burnlight and try to force it on ours ?
No.. There is no force. Not any person can force another in matters of faith. I have looked carefully into other religions Christianity is the only one that comes close to offering what I need for my spiritual well being in this world and the next. Accepting Jesus has opened a new world to me, a world filled with blessings, love and joy to the extent I would shout it from the roof tops.. :) I just want everyone to know the same. You may get that in Islam.. Then that's ok... There is no compulsion here.. That we disagree I don't see as a barrier to dialogue.

Since you admit there is no "biological" connection , how come he's "Son of God" ? And how come God is his "Father" ? Allah says in his noble book :

And that's it for us . And if we're going to call him son of God because he's been created with his will , we should call every living creature so . Also , what signs do you mean when you say they "misrepresent" the Christian belief ? Did you actually read them carefully or see explanations for them (Which can be found on the internet !) ?
Because God said He was and Jesus said He was. By biological I was meaning the implied act of procreation in human terms. If you take that a child inherits DNA from both it's parents which forms it's being, nature and characteristics then the two involved in the creation of Jesus were God and Mary. Jesus existed with God from eternity as Gods Word.. As Gods eternal and uncreated Word Jesus shared essence with God it's neither unbecoming or unfitting for God to incarnate His Word into flesh if He so willed it. The Bible recognises the fact that nothing is impossible with God and we know God exists outside our sphere of understanding and we know there is nothing like God. We do not put restrictions upon God.

Fair enough .
Ok then, :)

We don't worship the same deity . Allah calls Isa peace upon him the son of Mary . Since it's offensive to you , just ask , and we won't refer to him in such manner . Simple isn't it ?!
Well! I always thought we did .. and muslims worshipped the same God as the Prophets knew and worshipped .. Which is YHWH. I assumed Allah was the Arabic name for YHWH/God. So really I'm not sure who you are worshipping when you say things like that.. And underline for emphasis. You must act according to your faith.. I simply answered a query asked of me why Christians would never use this title for Jesus. It being a personal affront to my person I can live with.

Wait what ? So Christians don't believe he talked in cradle ? Or did I misunderstand you ? Seriously , I'm asking sincerly here . Anyway , you said it , each have their belief . Discussing which belief is true is another thing .
No we do not believe that Jesus talked in the cradle or that He created life from clay birds. These accounts were first found in Christian folk tales attributed to people who lived far too late to have any connection with Jesus at all. Which is why they lack provenance. It's a bit like muslims using the "Gospel of Barnabas" an claiming it as a true account.. History has shown that to be a forgery believed to be from the Middle Ages. In fact I don't believe muslims would use it now. Although the "infancy Gospel of Thomas" is not as late as that it is still considered to be too late to be taken as a true account. You believe it as you will.. I just state why Christians don't accept it..

Repeating again , if it's offensive , just ask , and we won't use the term while talking with you .
Don't worry about it.. It's obvious you do not wilfully intend offence. You are acting according to your faith dictates. As you say we have different opinions. Jesus was called worse I'm sure in His lifetime.. He taught to turn the other cheek and always forgive. So that's what I do.. :)

peace ce upon you.