السلام عليكم ورحمه الله وبركاته

عند حواري مع ملحد غربي وقفت عند رد لم افهمه ..... ومترجم قوقل لا يصل للمستوى المطلوب من الترجمه

I have thoughts [kind of an intuition, since long time in my life] I want to offer you that you may agree and (possibly) be pleased with:

Even tought this Universe was "ignited" by the "bigbang", I am (...) with confidences able to suggest that that "Atom" as we speak about may have never-ever had a beginning. ;-) I mean the "principle" of its creation may have had no beginning forever.

Then I can say that the "fabrics of things" - the Principle Of Creation was known, and was "there" before the bigbang!! It fits at least the idea of the mystery that there was something "intelligent", intelligence with "intentions/Will" before the bigbang...Thus before (at least)this Universe, there was "Thoughs" and I have no problems with this "conception". ;-)

End of my "pleasant gift". ;-)

That is why I may look dumbass and wierd when I describe my views[else where] about this Universe and the [Divine]Will behind it that have to do with "I Am" in relationship with the feedback-curvature which fabrics the spacial dimensions among the other "phenomenons of the awareness" - not only as Humankind - but really "I Am" above and under all conditions. Quran and other traditions openly say our Soul is Eternal we want it or not ;-).

Then under that perspective, how futile and "volatile" are the human conditions!... How futile is my own journey in this "volatile" Life! And above all: How futile are the religions!!

فأتمنى من احد الاخوه والاخوات يترجم لي ما قاله مشكورا